Tips to moderate salt intake

The salt is an additive that we use very often in meals. Historically used as a preservative, now part of its function is to enhance the flavor of foods and improve their texture. But nevertheless, Abusing salt can have very negative consequences for health, so it is best to moderate your consumption. We give you some tricks for you to do it.

The first thing you should keep in mind when thinking about salt is that experts recommend Do not exceed five grams of salt per day. However, the reality is quite different: several studies have found that adults take between six and seven grams of salt each day, which is more than advisable for our hearts.

The problems of excess salt

Salt does not affect everyone equally, and in fact it is not bad in its entirety. For example, people with hypertension (high blood pressure) should restrict salt much more than those with hypotension (with low blood pressure). The reason is that salt is related to hypertension, which is why it is a risk factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

There are many scientific studies that show that salt can adversely affect blood pressure and that lower consumption is associated with reductions in pressure in people with hypertension. Therefore, controlling the consumption of salt is part of the care we must have to lead a healthy life, together with a healthy diet and a little physical exercise.

Tips to moderate salt intake

1. In stores: experts advise to look at the nutritional information of the products we buy to look at the sodium content, as well as opt for those specified as "low salt". Another alternative may be to buy salt substitutes such as spices, herbs or condiments.

2. At home: cooking and eating our own food is the best way to control salt intake. However, keep in mind that preparing food at home does not necessarily mean that it has less salt than a prepared dish, so they advise:

-Reduce the amount of salt used at the time of cooking. Do it gradually so that your taste buds get used to the new flavor of the dishes.

-If a recipe requires that the amount of broth be reduced, add the salt afterwards instead of before the reduction.

-In place of salt, try other condiments as different aromatic herbs that will give different flavors to your dishes. Basil, oregano, chili pepper, ginger and cumin may be some to start with, but there is much more.

-Don't forget to try the food before adding salt to the table and add it only if you need it.

3. In the restaurant: when we eat outside it is more difficult to control the amount of food, but you can always ask the waiter to prepare it with little salt. If you are used to adding salt (for example, to potatoes), remember to always try them before doing it: it may not be necessary.

Finally, remember that with these tips you are not saying to stop eating foods with salt: a balance diet includes all meals Simply, remember not to abuse them and keep your balance.

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: 5 Health Benefits of Salt in the Diet- Thomas DeLauer

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