Letters and I, a story about dyslexia

The 'dyslexia' is a reading learning disorder which entails that children have many difficulties when it comes to learning to read, even if they are motivated or intelligent. Although parents can understand what this disorder entails, it can cost kids more. Because, This story explains in an entertaining way what dyslexia is.

'The letters and me' is an illustrated story designed by Sandia Books for the sole purpose of children learning what dyslexia is. Oriented to children in the early stages of learning (between five and eight years), they explain this disorder through the feelings of a girl who "no matter how hard she tries, she does not learn letters like her classmates", they explain.

The book also includes, audio for easy reading to children with reading difficulties, and also has instructions for parents and educators to share the book with the children. "It is a story for adults made for children with sensitivity and sweetness, I loved reading it with my son and we laughed with the same situations that happen to us," says a father who has already read it with his children.

Learning difficulties

Dyslexia can create a lot of anguish and bewilderment to children who suffer when they see how, no matter how hard they try, they can not learn the letters and they have an infinity of spelling mistakes. The role of parents here is essential, as is the role of educators, who can help books like these created to help children with dyslexia and their families.

For now, the multimedia story can be downloaded for Mac tablets in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, English and Italian, and in Spanish for Android tablets. If you prefer the printed book, can be purchased online or in some bookstores for nine euros.

A good excuse to teach our son what his disorder consists of so he knows himself and does not have self-esteem problems. Also, we will be showing you support and company in your development as a totally normal person.

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: What is dyslexia? - Kelli Sandman-Hurley

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