10 defects of your children that you do not want to see

Perfect children do not exist, but those who do not give excessive problems at school or at home. Precisely with these we must be more attentive to correct those small defects to which we do not give excessive importance. TOcusica, maudlin, clueless, "pidon", tearful, anti-sociable, "guarrete", maniacal, reckless or violent, sure that son "so good" can improve in any of these aspects.

It is normal that when a child gets good grades, is a good partner, almost not heard at home and, in addition, is a good athlete, almost "do not realize". So you can fall into the account of those 10 defects of your children that you do not want to see because because "we have touched an easy child"; But beware, no one is perfect, let alone that little one with the appearance of pluperfect, who like every human being will have his battles to correct some defects that can happen to us unnoticed.

The small defects of the children also give the face

Without seeing big problems where there are none, it's good help correct those hobbies that the children have and that adults, no doubt, will give them their faces dressed under a lack of character, a concealed arrogance, a personal insecurity, etc.

The accusative or eternal sneak

Boys and girls of these ages love to help, be useful and look good in front of adults. There may be, both in class and at home, who do not mind accusing to his brothers and companions for something they have done wrong. One day they can appear around the room: "Pepe has taken the game from me and told me that as I told you, I will find out". It is a simple defect that does not have the greatest importance, if it does not go further, but it can create relationship problems with others nowadays. We must encourage feelings of security and self-esteem in them, explaining that parents will always be there, but that they have to try to solve their problems on their own.

The maudlin

Who has not had to throw a canary or a fish that has not survived the care of our son? It is natural but, nevertheless, there are children to whom these experiences can create a trauma because they are very sensitive. Sensitivity is a gift, not a defect, but taken to the extreme it can become problematic. They are small affected by scary movies or shots that do not affect others, who feel hurt at the comments of colleagues, they get too sweet from time to time ... Little by little, we must reorient each of these attitudes to develop a sensitive sensitivity, but together with a force of character.

The clueless or eternally in the shrews

"Pablo, go to your room and bring me the sidewalk ..."; "Pablo, bring me the stool, please ..."; "PABLO! Son, there are days that I have to repeat things to you three times: go to your room and bring me the sidewalk". Although the wise, they say, are also very clueless, a child can be distracted simply by lack of attention. If it only happens from time to time nothing happens, but if it affects you when studying, attending class, etc., yes we have to reflect on it. It is a small defect that should not be overlooked, even if it gives you an intellectual air, it may indicate some comfort on your part to not attend to what does not interest you. For example, we can start by calling you by name always in the first place, before telling you something: it will help you pay attention. Or claim your attention before asking something: "Pablo, look at me, now go and bring the dirty clothes from the bathroom".

I'm asking

The bombing of advertising is constant. Although we do not let the children watch a lot of television, they just have to go out to the street to see the last slippers announced on a huge billboard. Surely, the boys are not capricious, or obsessive consumerists, but can start to walk that way. You have to be attentive to their comments: "I'm asking," "Do you buy it?", "How cool is it?" Or, maybe, talk about your partner's latest backpack, the Nike shoes of an athlete , etc. It is a small defect that can be germ not only of selfishness, but also of envy and consumerism.

Tearful or easy tear

There are boys of easy tears before the setbacks. A blow or a minor scratch makes you cry; compelling him to study when he is watching television, makes him cry; a somewhat boastful classmate, also makes him cry easily. In short, she is a whiner. At this age it is not a major problem, of course, but it can create insecurity for the future. You have to try toHelp him to control himself and hold back tears, sometimes with demand and others, simply, consoling him.

The anti-visits

The scene has been repeated and will be repeated throughout life.A son who never wants to visit the aunts' house; he does not want to greet the family member who has just arrived; he prefers to keep playing, to go down to the street, etc. We must make him understand that there are some duties towards our family, and even if he does not want to, people can not be discourteous. Maybe you have to decide with him how long he has to stay with the visitors, always being nice. And, when you go to other relatives' house, you will have to do it with your parents: yes, also taking into account your possible commitments (a football match, a friend's birthday, etc.).

The "Guarrete"

The hygiene is like a first stratum where to build: if they are clean and neat, it will be much easier to teach them to be orderly and delicate. Do you have to remind him too often that he has to wash his hands? Are there too many days that you lie down without brushing your teeth? Is not there a way to take the initiative to change underwear every day, if we do not tell you? Do not you realize that the shirt is dirty and should be changed? Do you shower after playing sports? They can be costly for children, but it is good habits essential for social relations.

Tics or curious customs

These are small tics or customs that do not affect their personality or character, but that give an image of an unsophisticated and careless person. For example, the famous finger in the nose, gestures with the face or even touching the most intimate parts ... They get used to They do not realize that they do it right in the most inopportune places. Our children can perfectly get to master those tics, promises or customs, but it will be more expensive the more we let it pass.

The "unveiled secrets"

They are in the age of close friends and great friendships. It is not uncommon for each other to tell each other secrets, to send notes and letters, to write diaries ... "Do not tell anyone ...". The child must learn to respect the trust they have placed in him and not tell anyone, they could call him a sneak. If you do not feel able to keep a secret, simply do not lend to hear it. From an early age we must encourage loyalty to colleagues, which seems so forgotten today.

The violent

Boys and girls do not behave the same at home, on the street or at school; with your parents or with your friends. It is normal; that is why, even if at home he does not shout or shove his brothers, maybe with his friends it is something violent and even cruel. Even though It is always possible to discover small signs of violence in your daily behavior at home. In this society today, it is almost daily to be involved in violence: sometimes, the news programs are bloodier than movies. It is a climate to which everyone is exposed, especially children. Be attentive to these behavioral changes to tackle them as soon as possible, going to the roots of the problem. We can start by getting him to put himself in the place of the other and to say how he would feel.

Maria Lucea

Related topics:

- Tics in children, how to correct them

- When the child is an accusative

- My son is a sneak

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