How to educate the little son

Be the little son of the family has its advantages and its disadvantages. We parents should strive not to overprotect the little child or turn him into a spoiled, soft or tyrant child. For this reason, when considering how to educate the little son, we will have to pay special attention to the discipline and the level of demand with the youngest of the house.

In general, younger children usually present an affectionate, extroverted, savvy character ... but there are few cases in which they are also spoiled, capricious and somewhat selfish. Although we have much land earned, educating the youngest of the house presents the same challenge as the rest of the brothers.

The mistakes of parents with young children

When parents face for the first time the education of a child, they tend to put special interest and concern in meeting their basic needs, install some rules at home ... That education is individualized.

But when they have another child or other children, the time they have for each of them is less than for the first and, therefore, that education leaves, in a way, to be so personalized.
In addition, there are already some norms and an educational style established at home that is transferred to the rest of the children and generalized. In this case, you fall into an error, because each one is a different person, with its peculiarities and needs, so many of those educational standards and styles will work for some, but not for others.

The youngest of the children, in addition, may have added two issues that are conflicting and that depend directly on the parents:

1. Stretch the childhood of the small child. Some parents see their youngest child as the small, helpless, their last child, with the pain that this grows and no longer have another baby behind ... This is why they tend to overprotect you, treat you like a small child, do not stimulate and let you react and grow with the possible consequence, before this way of acting, of making them even more spoiled. And is that parents, most of the time unconsciously stretch the childhood of his young son as if it were a chewing gum.

2. Delegate the education of the child to the older children. Other parents, on the other hand, tend to leave or delegate the education of the youngest to their other siblings. They are the ones who "help" them to take charge of the little one, surpassing, in some cases, the role of brothers and being more the paternal or maternal figure.

How to avoid educational errors with young children?

To avoid reaching this situation and correct these errors in the education of children, the following is important:

- Do not relax before the education of any of the children. The fact that there is already advanced work in terms of rules, norms, routines, family * does not mean that each of the children does not need other educational guidelines.

- Do not forget the individuality of each child. Everyone is different so everyone needs something different, that fits their personalities.

- Dedicate time to each child. Everyone needs us. Although it is necessary to divide the time and be less than when there was only one, it is important that each one has a time dedicated exclusively to his father and mother.

- Do not protect the child excessively because it is, with this we do not help you. You have to demand and ask as everyone and leave and give you the opportunity to grow. They can suffer a lot with it, since it can make it more insecure.

- Avoid delegating your education to your brothers. Parents are irreplaceable. The help of older people should not be more than help. But those who mark the educational pattern and are a figure of reference, respect and authority must be the parents.

There is a generalized idea that "the youngest child is educated alone", but nothing is further from reality: no one educates only. All children need someone to guide them and help them grow as a person, to develop, to choose a good path ...

It is true that the child has much to learn, there is a path made and created in the family and has many models to follow. But it will also have its qualities, peculiarities and needs that will not always be resolved and that it is the parents who must attend.

Conchita Requero Advisor:María Campo Martínez. Director of Kinder Schools Kimba

Video: 8 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son

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