Nausea in pregnancy: how to avoid them

During the first months of pregnancy in the body of women are produced large biological changes that cause numerous disorders that are sometimes difficult to treat. The most frequent of these is the gestational nausea and vomiting, a condition that can last even after the week 20 of pregnancy.

To know more about this disorder, the pharmaceutical laboratory HC Clover offers a series of recommendations to know in depth for what is this this situation and how to solve your discomfort

Why nausea occurs

There is no clear reason why nausea and vomiting occur during the first months of pregnancy, as they intervene so much hormonal, biochemical, mechanical as well as psychological variables.

Even though not all women suffer, 70% have nausea and between 30% and 50%, also, experience vomiting. Only a small percentage continue to suffer during the nine months of pregnancy.

Leaving aside the annoying and heavy of the situation, nausea and light or moderate vomiting do not affect the health of the baby. If you do not gain weight in the first three months, it does not have to be a problem, as long as keep yourself hydrated and you're feeding correctly. Usually, the appetite ends up returning and you start to gain weight in a normal way.

If, on the other hand, nausea prevents you from feeding properly, make sure you get the nutrients you need by taking Prenatal vitamins. Choose one that do not have iron, or that has a low dose, so that this mineral does not worsen nausea.

How to avoid nausea during pregnancy

- Light diet: for mild cases it is advisable to ingest little portions of food in short intervals of time and the diet can be modified, taking lighter meals in which the fruit and vegetables and leaving aside those foods rich in fat, fried or tinned.

- Zinc: increase the intake of bananas, cereals integral or vegetables, all of them foods rich in zinc, is a good method to combat dizziness in pregnancy.

- Unpleasant odors: those foods with a strong odor or unpleasant aromas should be avoided, since accentuate dizziness and nausea. In these situations you can choose smell lemon

- Medication: when the picture presented is severe, sometimes antihistamines or antiemetics have been used, but these should be be taken with caution, since they can cause defects during pregnancy of the fetus, so it is preferable to opt for other alternative means developed with natural products like those based on ginger, which has traditionally been used as an antiemetic and prevents nausea.

- Vitamin B6: specifically vitamin B6 is another alternative remedy that helps reduce this discomfort since it favors the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins; in addition to decrease fatigue, regulate hormonal activity and contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.

- Fast and effective: In the case of opting for some type of product to control gestational nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to take into account those that produce a quicker and more effective reaction to symptoms such as those produced in soft gelatin capsule.

- Alternative therapies: There are some women who prefer to try other less common methods. For them there is the acupressure, through wristbands that prevent nausea by pressing a certain point of the wrist; the acupressure, based on the pressure of the tendons; wave acupuncture.

In any case, if the symptoms persist and become unbearable to cope with the day to day of women, it is best to resort to a specialist to offer solutions while controlling that there is no large weight loss not even dehydration of the future mom.

Isabel Martínez

Video: Morning Sickness Relief

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