How to take care of children's hearts

The hearts of children are the treasure that families must care for the most. If our son does not exercise, he eats pizza, pastries or all kinds of snacks, he will end up suffering from obesity or hypertension in children, something common in our days. Failing to stop it in time will drag heart disease to adulthood. For us to take care of the children's hearts, we only have to take into account three factors: food, exercise and rest.

World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29, date designated by the World Heart Federation with the support of WHO and UNESCO, and what better time to consider if the habits of life that we have undertaken after the holidays are adequate and pamper our heart and that of the little ones of the house.

Main causes of cardiovascular diseases

- Childhood obesity. It is one of the great evils of advanced societies that has an impact on cardiovascular health. Obese children are at increased risk for hypertension, cholesterol, blood glucose levels, diabetes, and a thickening of the heart muscle.

- The tobacco. The combination of nicotine and carbon monoxide present in tobacco, triggers heart rate and impairs blood circulation. It also affects the heart of children as passive smokers.

- The alcohol. The moderate consumption of alcohol does not represent a danger to health, but if the accepted limits are exceeded, more than two beers or two wines per day, we will observe that it directly affects the performance of the cardiac system.

- Do not eat healthy. Poor nutrition is also counterproductive to having a healthy heart. It is necessary to prepare healthier meals far from saturated fats.

- Do not exercise It becomes a risk factor, which can also affect children's hearts.

- Stress. Lower the levels of stress and demands that we have throughout the day because of work, family, personal situations ... It will help us to maintain a healthier heart and to be happier.

How to take care of the heart of children and adults

Less salt and sugar

It is important to reduce salt intake, which causes high blood pressure being the main cause of stroke and one of the most important of heart attacks. Consuming too much salt causes the arteries to lose elasticity and harden, which causes the heart to suffer and hinder its normal work.

On the other hand, the exaggerated consumption of sugar causes the body not to be able to assume it. Sugar is transformed into fat, being one of the main reasons for obesity.

More vegetable fats

The consumption of fats of animal origin increases the level of fats in our body. Saturated fats are the ones that contribute to heart disease and we can find them in eggs, butter, milk and all non-skim milk products.

Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil or margarine, help lower the risk of heart problems.

Eat blue fish

It is important to try to eat blue fish at least twice a week to take care of the children's hearts. "Blue fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which when metabolized exert a range of beneficial effects on the body: it decreases the ability of blood to clot, lowers blood pressure and low cholesterol, achieving a beneficial effect not only on the heart but on the whole circulatory system and the brain ", declares José Manuel Cruz, president of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.

Increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables

The fruit and vegetables provide fiber, vitamins and antioxidants that serve as fuel for the good work of our heart. We must at least consume five servings of vegetables or fruits a day. It is important to accustom children to eat from childhood to eat fruit and vegetables to eat a rich diet low in cholesterol and fat.

The meat without fat

Lean meats are those that have a low fat content. The sirloin, the contra, the tenderloin, as well as the veal and the ox are the most outstanding.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: Taking Care of Children’s Hearts

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