Neck pain in pregnancy

Many people suffer tension, overload, and even blockages in the shoulder and neck area at some point in their life. This tension can appear during pregnancy and increase in the postpartum, by the new movements that begin to be made with the arrival of the baby, which involve lifting him from the cradle, feeding him in his arms, putting him to the breast to feed him or her in his arms.

It is not only important to know exercises to relax the shoulders, but also, learn to identify the origin of the tension and become aware of the position of our shoulders can be of great help to avoid contractures or major blockages, which result in annoying neck pains in pregnancy.

Causes of cervical tension in pregnancy

1. At the local level, uNo blocking in any of the segments may end up influencing the cervical. Muscles of the back, shoulders, trunk, arms and even jaw are inserted in the cervical spine and, for this reason, many people with bruxism (that is to say, tighten or grind their teeth when sleeping), complain that at the end of the night they notice tension in the base of the skull, which demonstrates the connection between both zones.

2. The pregnant woman's posture changes and as a result the position of the head and neck also do so. In a building where cracks appear on the top floor it is logical to think that the problem is at the base, or at least below the place where the cracks appear. At the postural level, the same thing happens in the rest of the body. When changing the position of the hips and trunk due to the growth of the uterus in pregnancy changes the center of gravity and the axis of the body, and it is the neck that must adapt and this can lead to increased cervical tension.

3. Some of that cervical tension may be of emotional origin. Situations of stress, tension or insecurity, end up making our shoulders are raised or shrunk, and discharge a part or all of its weight in the neck. Motherhood is not without emotions, fears and insecurities. The body is the vehicle by which we express our emotions, and the shoulders are often very frequent candidates to accumulate tension.

How to unload the shoulders and prevent cervical pain

In any of the cases, it is recommended to be aware of our body, and to know simple and effective exercises, such as those that appear in this video, to relax the neck, avoid cervical tensions and local contractures in pregnancy.

Finally, remember that these types of exercises are recommendations for good postural hygiene, but it is advisable to go to a physiotherapist specialized in women's health to obtain a personalized assessment and treatment. Pregnancy and postpartum are not a contraindication to receiving many of the physiotherapy techniques. A professional with academic and professional experience in this field will know how to adapt the treatment to our moment of pregnancy in a completely safe way.

Lorena Gutiérrez, physiotherapist specialized in pregnancy, postpartum and pelvic floor.
FisioByM "Physiotherapy for Babies and Moms"

Video: Physical Therapy - Preventing Low Back Pain During Pregnancy

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