Know your proper bra size

Most of the women are not completely comfortable with our bra. And, according to the latest report by the Instituto MedicoEstéticor, seven out of ten women say they do not know their exact size. Apart from the comfort, not knowing the proper size of our chest can end up having repercussions in health problems.

According to the survey carried out by the centers MedicalEsthetic of Madrid, Barcelona and Seville, the problem with the purchase of the right bra resides in that women ask for the size according to the cup and others only for the contour. But the main problem lies in whether the bra is carved according to Spanish or European standards. That's where the confusion is born.

How to measure the contour

The outline below the chest should be measured with a flexible tape measure. The result will be obtained adding 15 to the obtained data. This way we can calculate the size of our breast contour according to the fashion patterns in Spain.

How to measure the cup

The outline of the thorax should be measured in the most prominent area of ​​the chest. To this figure we will subtract the contour measurement to calculate the size of the cup in Spain. With this data you will only have to follow the following rule:

- Cup A: from 12 to 14 centimeters, small bust.

- Copa B: from 14 to 16 centimeters, medium bust.

- Cup C: from 16 to 18 centimeters, full bust.

- Cup D: from 18 to 20 centimeters, bulky bust.

In case of obtaining intermediate measures, it is advisable to check the major and minor cups because the type of fastener model can influence.

Five tips for the proper use of the bra

1. The fastener should adjust without pressing. Keep in mind that the bra should not generate folds or marks around the chest.

2. The back strap should not be above the line of the lower chest. It is usually a common mistake among women.

3. The shoulder straps should fall straight, without compressing or leaving marks.

4. The cups should not make bags, they must be perfectly adjusted to the entire breast.

5. The bra ring should rest flat on the thorax without rising above the base of the chest.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: How To Measure Your Bra Size

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