Ideas to refresh your baby

The high summer temperatures invite us to sharpen the ingenuity to refresh ourselves based on baths, cold drinks and air conditioning. But these tricks to feel better when the thermometer rises, are they recommended for the baby? The extreme sensitivity of babies under one year of age and, above all, of newborns makes it essential to take extreme care and take precautions.

How to cool the baby at home when it's hot

When it comes to protecting the baby from the harmful effects of heat, any precaution is small, since it can be pleasant and beneficial for an adult, it may not be for a baby. Here are some good ideas to refresh your baby.

Can I cool the water in the baby's bath a little?
The ideal temperature of the baby's bath water should be the same as the body temperature, that is, 36 or 37 ºC. When it is very hot and we want the bath to be refreshing for the baby, it is possible to reduce the temperature to 33 or 34 ºC, if the child likes it. We can also cool the water a little after having put the baby in the bath so that it does not impress him.

Air conditioning for the baby, yes or no?
Refreshing the rooms in the house with air conditioning is possible and even recommended when it is very hot and we have a baby at home. The main recommendation is that we should never subject the baby to direct air conditioning because it can be harmful to your respiratory system. We must also avoid suffering sudden changes in temperature because babies are very sensitive to thermal variations. To properly use the air conditioner with a baby at home, the recommendation would be to cool the room and turn off the air conditioning before carrying the baby, or connect the air conditioner to a temperature of not less than 22 ° C, moving the baby away from the jet Direct of cold air.

Is it advisable to change the baby's nap time if the heat tightens?
Some babies find it annoying to sleep with heat. To get to sleep, it is important that the baby is comfortable, to do this, place the crib in the coolest place in the house or connect the air conditioning before putting him to sleep, taking care of the previous precautions. The nap should not become an obligation when the baby does not want to sleep. It is convenient that he himself shows you which is the best time to fall asleep.

What environment must there be at home at bedtime?
The temperature of the house should be around 22 ºC. To keep the house cool, ventilate in the early morning hours, lower the blinds so that the sun does not enter and connect the air conditioning in the hottest hours. Extreme precautions with your baby: place the child away from the current, dress him only with a cotton body and, if necessary, cover him with a sheet. If your room is very hot, change your room cradle.

How can I prevent diaper rash in summer?
In summer, whenever possible, you can leave the baby with the ass in the air to air its skin. In addition, hygiene should be extreme, wash the diaper area with neutral soap, dry well and use specific creams. Diaper rash affects 10 percent of babies and, in most cases, is caused by contact with feces and urine, and the presence of high humidity and heat.

We're going on vacation, can I change your routines, even for a few days?
Changes in routine always affect babies, who become more irritable. It is convenient to keep your schedules as much as possible, especially food and rest so you do not notice that you are in another place. Some tricks such as carrying your stuffed animal or your favorite pillow can help you during vacation days.

Marina Berrio

Video: TIPS | 5 Ways To Occupy Your Baby (While Occupying Yourself!)

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