Child accidents: burns

The Burns they are one of the domestic accidents that most often occur in children. And although most can be properly treated at home, the most serious will require health care. The most common are prolonged exposure to the sun, flames, friction or the action of physical, chemical or electrical agents.

AllBurns they are produced by excessive exposure to a heat source and usually occur in the home, mainly in the kitchen and bathroom, and in the rest of the house in accidents related to electricity.

How to prevent burns in the home:

In the bathroom:

-At the time of bath, check the water temperature before putting the child in the bath or shower.

-In winter, better a wall heater, high, than one floor.

In the kitchen:

-The vitroceramic cookers They keep the heat for a long time after being turned off. For this reason, never leave the child sitting on the counter.

-When you warm your food in the microwave oven, try it always before giving it to him.

-Do not nothing hot transport in your hand if you have the child in your arms.

-When the child starts to crawl, and the oven it is within your reach, be very careful when it is on; It can be burned with the door.

In the rest of the house:

-If you can control the temperature of the Hot water, set it to no more than 50ºC.

-Try that the electric cables they are not within your reach, plug unused plugs and do not overload multiple plugs or thieves.

-When iron, be very careful with where the iron rests. If it is not fixed properly, it can fall to the ground and have a dislike.

-Coloca barriers in front of the chimneys.

-Do not leave within reach of children lighters, matches, etc. And never play with them in front of the children; Children imitate everything they see.

-Do not smoke at home (in addition to many other reasons not to do so, we prevent burns).

How to act before a thermal burn

Must be cool the wound as soon as possible with fresh (not very cold) water and current for twenty minutes until the pain subsides.

If the clothes are attached to the burn, do not try to remove it. Trim clothes that are not attached to the burn, as well as objects that can compress or retain heat such as pendants, bracelets, etc.

Must cover the lesion with wet dressings. Forget soaps, toothpastes or home remedies. It is also important protect the wounded with a blanket so that you do not lose body heat until medical help arrives.

How to act before an electric burn

Avoid touching the child that has had contact with electricity, unless it is free of electric current, because it can travel through the body of the victim and electrify you too. Once the child is free of the current, it is a priority check that there is no air obstruction.

When the child has stabilized, applies fresh water to burns during 15 minutes.

Avoid moving the child and do not apply soap, ointments, or home remedies on their burns. After washing the burn, place a wet dressing on it. Keep the child warm until the arrival of the health services.

Sara Vázquez. Nurse Clinic Ruber International, Madrid.

Video: Medical Mondays: Avoiding Accidents in the Kitchen-How To Prevent Burns and Scalds

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