The brain makes the difference between the sexes

What differences exist in the functioning of the brain of the man and the brain of the woman? It is evident that there are certain bodily characteristics that differentiate men from women. And at the same time, we are able to appreciate also different in the way we think, feel, speak ... The brain is what guides all these actions.

Several investigations have concluded that there is a biological brain differentiation for the sexual differentiation of people. The brain is composed of two hemispheres joined by various structures among which dominates the corpus callosum.

It is known that personal fulfillment is achieved when both hemispheres are harmonized, although each of them gives us certain qualities, and depending on the predominance of one or the other, we present more or less qualities of the male sex or the female sex.

It must also be borne in mind that the construction of most of the neural circuits occurs during the first 18 weeks of gestation and subsequently is directly related to the gonadal changes that occur in the first two years of life.

Two sexes, two cerebral hemispheres

In a general way, it can be said that in the male there is a predominance of the left hemisphere, in which sequential and linear reasoning characteristically predominates. The right hemisphere therefore is the one that is more related to the feminine functioning, with more affective processing. The woman thinks in terms of images and globalities, using the above to generate new ideas of information, with a contemplative view of the world. The woman is more capable than the man of translating into gestures the most primary emotional reactions, processing the language more effectively nonverbal and solving the problems through a fairly low intuitive perception in males.

On the other hand, males, in whom the center of gravity of the intellect is oriented towards activities of the left hemisphere, usually abstract the qualities of reality to generalize them, processing one thing at a time.

From an emotional point of view, they interpret and record non-verbal emotional ideas, although they have the ability to translate the experienced sensations viscerally into words, and they elaborate the resolution of problems with a logical order.

Processing of emotions

In the processing of emotions, it is necessary to distinguish three elements:

1. the subjective experience or feeling: analyzed internally and communicated to the outside;
2. the affects: pleasant or unpleasant;
3. the cognitive component of feeling, that depends on the processing of the bark.

In some way, we can say that "emotion is felt, expressed and brings knowledge."

Regarding emotional processing, related to the affective maturation of the person, women are more vulnerable to the psychological pressure that interpersonal conflicts suppose. In this sense, the female brain reacts with a much more negative alarm than the male at the idea of ​​any interpersonal conflict. The acute interpersonal stress facilitates learning and memory in males and makes it difficult for females; whereas chronic stress would make men more vulnerable and would not affect women so much.

Emotional memory distinguishes between sexes

Another of the differential characteristics between the "brain" of the male and the female is related to emotional memory. The woman processes sad facial emotion better than male, retaining negative emotions more strongly and remembering events more vividly. Finally, the woman, unlike the male, has a more emotional sense of humor due to the activation of tonsillar areas, as it happened in the processes described above. This area is essential for emotional learning, social intelligence, rapid response to stimuli, the creation and storage of memories and the response to pleasant or unpleasant stimuli. Already in the nature of social intelligence, the female brain predisposes more than the male to empathy, to trust, to the feeling of links with others, as well as to offer and receive support. In spite of the above, the notion of person must give reason that the real person is given in two different "ontological" body forms.

Men and women are distinguished in our original relationship, that is, they are the same as persons, but they differ in the way in which each one opens up to the relationship with the others, precisely because of the corporal difference. Difference that does not break the essential equality.

Monica of Aysa. Master in Marriage and Sexuality

Video: Gender and the Brain

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