Obesity increases the risk of childhood asthma

Childhood obesity and asthma are public health problems and recent studies have shown the relationship between these two diseases. Two hundred million adults and children around the world are affected by asthma.Part of the increase in children suffering from asthma at the end of the 20th century could be attributed to the increase in body mass index (BMI) in childhood.

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system caused by inflammation of the respiratory tract. The exact causes that cause asthma are not yet known, but experts believe that obesity is a great trigger. The probability that an obese child will develop asthma is 50 percent.

The relationship of childhood obesity with asthma

The research conducted by Raquel Granell, from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom, provides genetic evidence that a higher body mass index increases the risk of developing asthma in childhood. The researchers analyzed the causal effects of BMI, fat mass and lean mass in children with asthma at ages 7 to 8 years. Thanks to the research, they were able to conclude that a higher-than-normal body mass index means an increase in the risk of asthma in childhood and that the relative risk of Having asthma increases by 55 percent for every extra unit of body mass index. Likewise, in order to avoid the global increase in asthma, it would be advisable to intervene directly against childhood obesity.

Habits to reduce childhood obesity

- Encourages a healthy and adequate diet to the needs of children according to their age and sex.

- Against thirst the best is water, sodas contain high sugar content and are a strong cause of childhood obesity.

- Promote active games away from more sedentary leisure.

- Avoid foods rich in sugars and fats to reward children.

- Provide a balanced breakfast: a dairy, cereals and some piece of natural fruit.

- Remove certain foods from your shopping list such as soft drinks, non-natural juices, industrial pastries and sausages with high fat content.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: Fructose increases the risk of childhood asthma, independent of obesity

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