Fear of strangers

Almost all babies between six and eight months go through the fear of strangers. This very frequent process is characterized, fundamentally, by fear and insecurity in the face of unknown persons and situations. The fear of "the strange" is a natural rejection of babies, which takes place around 8 months of age.

The fear of strangers appears around six months and to help you overcome this insecurity you have to get used to receiving visitors and to play with other children from the first day ...

Crying and tantrums

During the crisis of strangers, the baby rejects with crying and tantrums being or staying in the arms of someone other than mom or dad. He cries when he sees us go away, when he wakes up and discovers that we are not there and is scared with the brief separations.

All these reactions have their explanation. And it is that it will be precisely from six or eight months when the child begins to understand that he is a being independent of his parents and, therefore, to become aware of himself as a person.

In any case, not all babies go through this crisis. There are some children who are very sociable since they are born and when the first separations arrive they do not manifest any type of insecurity or, if they do, it is almost imperceptible.

Tricks to mitigate the fear of strangers

- Wait before taking your baby to daycare. As of the year, the babies are more determined to face the separation of the parents and adapt better to the nursery.
- Contact with other children. Strengthening your social relationships will help you to normalize this situation.

Fear of separation from parents

To avoid making the crisis of strangers dramatic, avoid farewells. It is convenient to take the habit of leaving when your child is entertained with a game.

Teresa Pereda

Video: Iron Maiden - Afraid to Shoot Strangers.

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