How chocolate affects acne

Popular culture has always said: eating chocolate is synonymous with grains. But how much truth is there in this statement? How does chocolate affect acne? Is there really any scientific evidence about it, or does it respond to what we call an 'urban legend'? The reality is that there is no scientific evidence to show that the consumption of chocolate causes a worsening of the acne or that provokes it.

It is what a recent study, although unique in this regard, that even shows that chocolate could be beneficial and have protective effects for the skin.

Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, which involves a greater activation of the sebaceous glands and the obstruction of the follicular pelicula and its colonization by a bacterium called 'Propionibacterium acnes'.

The relationship between food and acne

As explained by José Luis Estebaranz, member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), it is important go to the specialist to treat this condition of the skin, since it can produce serious sequelae such as scars, although there are therapies that already use lasers and light to treat these possible marks.

As for food and acne, the dermatologist notes that the exacerbation of acne has been associated with a high or excessive caloric intake, since there is a greater activation of sebaceous glands that produce fat in the skin.

In general, the important thing is to use common sense to know what to do and what not to do, Estebaranz says, adding that there are people who when they take a lot hot spicy, perform copious meals or ingest too much fast food They present more grains. But this does not mean that you have to restrict the consumption of any type of food to treat acne, concludes the expert.

Although acne is associated with puberty, the truth is that it can occur in babies, children and in adulthood as a reaction to drugs or derived from stress and hormonal changes.

Acne decalogue

The expression "it will be over" to avoid taking care of yourself or going to the dermatologist for acne is dangerous and in many cases inaccurate. From the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) present a decalogue with the best advice for this skin disease:

1. Perform a daily cleaning correct skin twice a day maximum to avoid irritation and with a mild soap. Dry without rubbing. The hair should be washed as often as necessary to keep it clean.

2. The problem that triggers acne is not the dirt, so you do not have to obsess over hygiene and turn this into an excessive aggression for the skin.

3. There are no miraculous remedies, nor alternative treatments that exceed in efficiency to those that the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry commercialize and the dermatologist prescribes.

4. Acne treatment requires perseverance, because it can stay active months or years. During this time it is necessary to maintain some general care. In many cases, pharmacological anti-acne creams should be used, and pharmacological treatment with pills should be considered at least. Uncontrollable acne is an exceptional situation.

5. Do not manipulate acne lesions It is the best procedure to avoid the marks. By tightening the grains we can transform a lesion that disappears in a short time and without leaving scars in another much more visible, lasting and healing will leave a scar as sequela.

6. Use oil-free cosmetics or non-comedogenic of recognized brands.

7. The creams that are used to treat acne can irritate the skin but this it is not a reason to suspend the treatment. Your application should be spaced every two or three days. The skin tends to progressively develop tolerance towards these products.

8. Although the diet must be balanced, there is no food that has been shown to make acne worse. The foods that are usually cited in popular knowledge as aggravating acne are also included in a limited way within a proper diet.

9. Go to the dermatologist, Medical specialist in the treatment of acne, which will individualize the treatment, selecting the cream or the pills according to the sex, age and type of acne of each patient.

10. Marks, in the form of scars or red areas, they will improve noticeably with the passage of time, so many times no treatment is necessary for them. When they do not disappear or if you want to accelerate your improvement, there are very effective treatments in which different types of lasers are used.

Marina Berrio

Video: Does Chocolate ACTUALLY Cause Acne? FINALLY The Science Weighs In

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