I want to be an artist: tips to avoid family upsets

There are few teenagers that from very young show a great talent and skill for the painting, the music or others artistic forms. However, this vocation can create tension between parents and their child when wants to be an artist and make it his professional exit.

It is normal for parents to worry about the future of his son, and that they fear that an artistic profession will not ensure its sustenance tomorrow. This concern is understandable, especially considering the current economic situation, which seems to leave no puppet with head in the world of work and it is important that the young man look for a secure job in the future. Others, on the other hand, are concerned that their son or daughter may find themselves in an environment that is far from the values that they have instilled in him. In this article we explain how to approach and support, in our work as educators, when the son wants to be an artist

Artistic background in the family

Any of our children can surprise us one day with the proposal that they want to dedicate themselves to the world of art, in any of its aspects. Although we have been providing him with the best preparation throughout his life - it may come to mind - now he wants to be an actor, painter, dancer, writer, designer ... and not to submit to the routine of a bureaucratic job

A decision of this kind does not usually arise suddenly. On many occasions, a child has close referents that lead him to make that decision: perhaps he has grown up in a family of artists. In others, their preferences are emerging from an early age, when you could begin to suspect something: taste for drawing or dancing, special sensitivity, etc.

I want to be an artist: rejuvenations in the professions

However, the fundamental issue lies in trying to overcome the traditional dichotomy that confronts professions and technical careers or science, with artistic. There is prejudice in society that considers most important to a certain type of professions, gives them more social relevance and prestige, almost always depending on the economic success that they entail (that is, depending on the money that is earned).

Once that reductionist vision has been overcome and we have realized that the artistic professions have as much "value" or importance as any other, we must be careful not to fall at the other extreme, in the excess of idealism. Cultivating sensitivity or feeling the need to express oneself through any of the Arts ... can be occupations that perform as a person to our son more than any other, even if he earns less.

We must ask ourselves if our son has such a personality, if it really responds to his interests and if he is well informed of his future occupation. That's where our parent function resides: advise and make sure you meet the requirements, and let them decide. In any case, it may be advisable to insist that they think hard about the specific profession, how they are going to make a living, what they are going to live, etc. in a realistic way, and without being carried away by ethereal illusions.

With its values ​​ahead

But we also have to warn our son that he can find environments contrary to the education that we have given him, and that clash head-on with his values. For example, if you want to be an actor, in all probability you will have to shoot uncomfortable scenes. It is important to make our child think about whether it will be worthwhile to see himself in these situations that limit him or, on the contrary, try to find another profession for which he also has talent and see in the performance a form of entertainment for his moments of leisure.

It is important that we inculcate that you will be happier if you are faithful and consistent with your values. In any case, you have to keep in mind that you do not have to accept situations that can make you feel bad or be pressured, and this is something that must be applied in all areas of life.

On the other hand, it is important not to confuse what can be an activity that our child entertains (a hobby) with what is a strong vocation. There are many young people who confuse these terms and feel frustrated if their profession does not entertain them as much as the hobbies they practice. Therefore, we parents must also measure maturity of our son, and see if he moves a real vocation or simply the desire to work in something that does not involve any effort because for him it is entertainment without more.

Tips not to take a dislike

- One of the dangers consists in letting ourselves be led by economicist criteria when it comes to thinking about your future. Let's take a test: what do we care more about your profession? What wins more? Is it well placed ...?

- It may be necessary to distinguish between what is a hobby and a professional dedication. Painting, music ... can become great hobbies that make sense of our free time, at the same time that it combines perfectly with another type of professional dedication.

- If we do not understand our son's decision for engaging in a more artistic profession, we can think about how you live culture at home. If we do not cultivate it, we can hardly understand it.

- Our job is to ensure that our son reaches a virtuous balance between illusion and realism. Nor be carried away by fantasies that have no feet on the ground (because of a movie, a friend), or think only about money, the prestige of certain professions.

- You have to educate them to do their job well because it is what is expected of a professional and is what produces the greatest satisfaction: things well done. The labor market absorbs more lawyers than musicians, it is true; but also it is that the best musician will always have work ... and very good.

- No matter what type of occupation they choose; have prepare with intensived, procuring a training and a recognized degree (be it Bachelor's Degree, Official Certificates), open to professional opportunities such as teaching, for example.

Many people have artistic concerns or enjoy a special sensibility. Many young people can be advised to look for professions or jobs in which that ability or hobby is valued or necessary, but within specific professional outings. We speak of a vocation as a painter that does not leave aside the possibility of illustrating in magazines or children's books; of a dancer who thinks about studying INEF to dedicate himself to the teaching of gymnastics ...

Teresa Pereda

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