In childhood obesity influences the genetics and the prenatal period

The genetics and the nutritional habits of the mother during the prenatal and perinatal period are determining factors in the appearance of obesity in childhood. Physical exercise and balance in the energy balance are the most important preventive factors to avoid obesity.

The childhood obesity largely determines obesity in adulthood. According to the scientific analysis "Etiology of Obesity: the 'big two' and other emerging factorss ", work that has served as the basis for the preparation of the Consensus Document 'Obesity and Sedentary in the 21st Century: what can and should be done?', the age range in which more cases of childhood obesity are given covers from the 6 up to 13 years.

Genetics and the prenatal period influence childhood obesity

Among the factors associated with overweight and obesity in childhood, the study highlights the importance of the prenatal and perinatal period, and how excessive or limited nutrient intake during these two moments can play a relevant role in the appearance of obesity at other times of life.

However, there is a relationship between genetics and obesity. In this sense, Professor Serra Majem, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, President of the Foundation for Nutritional Research, member of CIBER Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, Carlos III Institute, and The author of this scientific analysis points out that "currently numerous chromosomes related to obesity have been discovered and the research focuses on the location of the specific genes involved in the development of this disease." Regarding nutritional factors, the expert points out that "it is not clear whether obese children consume more calories than non-obese children, so it is necessary to continue researching this issue."

Obesity, a current epidemic

Nowadays the current obesity epidemic It coincides with a profound change in habits in the population, both at the level of physical activity and eating patterns. Childhood obesity is the result of a continuous positive energy balance, in which the total energy intake exceeds the total energy expenditure. Therefore, the goal of treating obesity is to reverse this balance while the goal of preventing obesity is to prevent the energy balance from becoming positive.

However, for prevent obesity It is as important to carry a proper diet as physical exercise. For this expert, "obesity is a complex and multifactorial chronic disease whose onset usually occurs during childhood or adolescence and whose origin lies in an interaction between genetics and the environment." It would be very simplistic to think that obesity should only be to excessive consumption and / or to deficient physical activity ".

To achieve energy balance, it is necessary to avoid excessive weight gain. The reason is that the system of energy balance of the body shows a stronger opposition to weight loss than the increase of it. Although great behavioral changes are necessary to reduce and maintain body weight, small changes in behavior may be sufficient to prevent excessive weight gain.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: Nature, Nurture and Childhood Obesity

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