The use of digital tablets for learning

Although the use ofDigital tablets may present certain disadvantages for children, to carry out activities in the school improves the learning of the students, according to the 87% of the teachers who have participated in an investigation of theAutonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

The work, directed by the researcher of the UAB Pere Marqués, has counted with the participation of more than 2,000 students and 150 teachers of centers ofInfant, Primary and Secondary of Catalonia.

The best of theteaching it is observed in thelearning Autonomous student, digital skills, understanding, creativity and motivation and student involvement.

60% of teachers consider that tabletsthey also improve academic performance of the students, so the impact is more focused on the improvement of learning than on the academic results of the students.

Advantages of using digital tablets in class

The main advantages over these tools are:

1. Easy access to information sources In Internet,
2. The portability of the tablet and itsmultifunctionald, since they can use several types of resources.
3. Invite to apply methodologies centered on the student and their autonomy.
4. Facilitate the treatment of the diversity of students for the personalization of the contents.
5. Disseminate digital competences in elfamily environment and encourage collaboration.

As a drawback, 90% of teachers believe that these devicesthey behave longer when preparing classes, especially to find and create resources for students.

The most frequent activities carried out by the students have beenlook for information In Internet; see and hearaudiovisual pieces; take photos and videos; usetext editors and spreadsheets; Communicate with colleagues through emails, study and do exercises witheducational applications, and take notes and notes, among others.

Video: How to Use a DRAWING TABLET - Guide for Beginners

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