Negative emotions in children

Naming what we feel is never easy, and this task is even more complicated in children. It always seems easier to put words to our feelings when dealing with positive emotions: what a joy you will win the race! In this way, from small we have been taught to feel happy with a good grade or to feel gratitude when receiving a gift.

But, What happens with negative emotions? Can we get some positive aspect from them? The influence of emotions on children's behavior is unquestionable. Emotions have the function of helping in communication, communicating our emotions always supposes an effect towards the other. That is, if we feel sadness or anguish, it is normal that the person we are telling is approaching us, calming us down or asking if they can do something to help us. Therefore, it is important that parents educate and teach their children to differentiate their feelings.

How to help the child manage his negative emotions

It is essential to educate children when expressing their emotions, and not only the most basic ones through tantrums. The wider the range they have, the better they will be prepared for the elderly to face the complex situations that will be found along the way.

- Help the child to be aware of their negative thoughts. That is, you need to know how to identify them. Talk to your child and explain how you can try to control them.

- Make them understand their emotions. Because I'm scared? Why do my hands sweat and my stomach hurt when I speak loudly in class? There is nothing better than children posing questions to detect their emotions and thus seek for themselves the solution.

- Teach the child to fight their negative emotions and not let them dominate it.

- Help to transform your emotions. That is, instead of feeling insecure, encourage him to improve his self-esteem. Instead of being afraid, help the child to train their fears with strength, faith and determination.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: 6 tips to help your children control their emotions | UCLA Healthy Living Tips

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