The inequality of women in the workplace

From the time they enter until they leave the workplace, women suffer innumerable discrimination at work. Inequality at work accompanies women from the time they are old enough to enter the market, noting with:minimum wages, higher unemployment rates, lower employment and activity rates and precarious working conditions.

Every March 8 International Women's Day is celebrated, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, daughters ... This is your day! Although in reality, a single day falls short to celebrate the constant, daily and relentless struggle of these women in the construction of a family, in the conquest of the labor market and for the struggle of their freedom of thought and choice. The steps for the total recognition of women in the workplace are slow, but progress. It is still being persecuted for discrimination and machismo, and as if that were not enough, some even suffer sexual harassment in their jobs.

Discrimination at work

Labor discrimination against many women, who suffer more than men from precarious hiring, low wages, unemployment and few unemployment benefits.

Precarious and part-time hiring

Women concentrate a little more than 40 by the way of recruitment according to the report Women in the world of work and the economy, prepared by the General Union of Workers (UGT). In addition, with the crisis, the hiring of part-time workers has increased, especially in women.

Wage inequality

A woman works 84 days a year to earn the same as a man. According to the study conducted by the UGT. Between 2008 and 2011 men have earned an average of 6,000 euros more than women doing the same job. A salary for women that would account for 77.5 percent of the men's pay.

Difficulty of conciliation

Women delay the moment of being mothers more and more, now the average age is in the 32 years. This is due to the fact that since 2012, maternity benefits have fallen by 11 percent, according to the UGT. Therefore, one in four women had to reduce their working hours to take care of their children and almost 40 percent of employed women have left work for more than a year to care for their children.

Pregnancy at work

The working woman who becomes pregnant not only thinks about the consequences it will have on her body, the mood and mood swings and the discomfort that will lead to the next nine months. In addition, the problem of communicating it to your boss is added. And, according to a study by Clearblue20% of the women received a negative response from their bosses when they reported their pregnancy, compared to 26 percent who received employment assistance and facilities. Due to this situation, one in ten women decide to move away from the workplace to dedicate themselves exclusively to the care of their children.

More female unemployment

The crisis hits women much more strongly. Most of the women have lost a job that was indefinite and the most affected group comprised between 30 and 39 years. In addition, the destruction of female employment is concentrated in the public sector, where 72 percent of job losses, since the approval of the labor reform, have been by a female majority.

Women take longer to get another job

After losing their job, women have more difficulties in obtaining the next and they become long-term stops.

They charge less

Women account for 68 percent of the salaried population with incomes below the minimum inter-professional salary (€ 641 per month). These low salaries are what sustain 90 percent of households with an adult and children, that depending on the woman and the risks that this entails in our society, face an increased risk of poverty.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: Gender Inequality In the Workplace

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