How to deal with children's failures

Every day of effort and work of our son in school is summarized in a report card with some assets, notable, outstanding and maybe some suspense. Getting angry, raising your voice or humiliating the child will not help. Parents should instill expectations of achievement in children because There is always time to overcome the suspense.

The notes are a clear indication of how the child evolves in school. When it comes loaded with suspense or disappointing notes, seeing it as a warning signal, can help us to begin to inquire about what is not going well.

Failures are not always the result of the child's little study. There are other variables that can influence and it is important to take note of the reasons to reflect with your child and find solutions together.

Find the cause of suspense

The most important is have the teacher, since he knows perfectly the causes that have led to that suspense. "The lack of motivation or skills, family problems, adolescence or the methodology used can be at the origin of this failure," explains Narciso Garcia, professor of Educational Guidance at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Tips to take the suspense in the best way

- Do not dramatize or punish for suspending. If the notes are very bad and you see that you are going to get angry, the best thing is that you control yourself and leave the conversation for when you feel calmer. What it is about is not letting our anger or our disappointment surface, because that will not help us to say what we really want.

- Responsibility before the suspense. We must make the student aware of the failure. If you have tried, you will have to put in additional measures since your daily work is not enough. If you are not motivated or undisciplined, you will have to mediate to change that aptitude and deal with the matter adequately.

- Count on the teachers. The parents must know the knowledge they must learn to recover the subject, and the teachers have the answers.

- Set a schedule. Spend some time studying every day, in the mornings or after playing. This will help them create a daily routine in which to devote some time to studying. Working each day provides a gradual advance of the subject and helps to consolidate the knowledge learned in school.

- Study techniques.Many school failures only hide a lack of ability to study, which can be solved with the help of a professional after-school. It is important that you teach him to study and provide him with the necessary knowledge to cover any gaps he may have.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: Teaching Your Kids How To Cope With Failure - Shefali Tsabary, PhD

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