Why children no longer play in the park

A few years ago, the most usual thing was to go out on the street and find the children in the parks of your barium playing football or the girls at the hopscotch. Today, this image is becoming less frequent, as parks and their swings they are being replaced by the rise of video games and technology.

Children spend more and more hours playing with the Play Station or the Nintendo. His biggest aspirations are to get the latest video games as soon as possible. Video games have become an industry that bills more than 900 million euros a year in Spain alone. In addition, they are designed for all audiences, from over 40 years to small children of 4 or 5, and the varieties of games are increasing: war games, fantasy, children

Positive effects of video games

Many videogame professionals believe that they do not have more negative aspects than positive ones. They completely reject the theory that they make people aggressive or irascible. Affirm that video games are a good way to socialize besides a great entertainment.

There are many cases of children who have achieved overcome their shyness and their problems to socialize playing online games in which they share experiences with more than 40 people. Thus, although the child is playing eight hours in front of the computer, he is establishing social links with other players, with which he puts into practice game strategies, problem solving and other social skills through emotional and affective involvement.

The benefits of playing outdoors

Although, according to experts, there are many advantages in playing video games, there is no denying that these replace other forms of play in children who can become much healthier.

Playing in the park with other children, with the ball, on the swings, with the slides or in the case of girls playing dolls or skipping rope entails a much greater physical involvement than in the case of playing video games . The children are in full growth phase, and that these move, play sports and develop their motor skills It is essential for them to grow healthy.

In addition, although some studies have denied that violent video games turn children into aggressive people, they have not been able to deny that playing video games yes it increases this type of emotions so that if the child feels angry or tends to anger, these feelings will be instilled in him more easily.

Ana Vázquez Recio

Video: Playground for Kids Compilation Video! Children's Play Area at the Park with Ride on Cars

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