Online games: how to distinguish between hobby and addiction

As with any traditional game, it is necessary to differentiate between hobby and addiction in the online games. Hobby or healthy play is the practice of games of chance as a form of entertainment and fun, in which the player participates moderately and enjoys the game experience without taking great risks. This is the usual practice of the general population, which does not generate personal problems.

But nevertheless, the number of online players has skyrocketed and, with this, an increase of people with gambling problems related to Internet gambling. And is that the profile of the player has changed. Before the Internet era, the player was a man between 30 and 40 years old who wanted to earn money or recover what was lost. Now he is between 15 and 35 and is a student or university graduate.

A study conducted in 2013 at the University of Valencia, with a sample of 4,000 young people between 12 and 20 years, concluded that 18% of adolescents had completed online bets, the ludopatía of the 21st century.

What should we watch if a young person plays?

The addiction or pathological game is a disorder that consists of the loss of control of behavior in relation to the game, with serious consequences for people and their environment. Therefore, it is important that parents are alert to certain situations that may lead to the start of an addiction to online games:

- Loss of control over the impulses to play during a certain period of time.
- Increase in the frequency of time spent on the game.
- Increase in the amount of money wagered.
- The worry to play and get money to continue doing it becomes constant.
- High isolation and tendency to want to stay alone, rejecting company plans to use the mobile, computer or other mobile devices.
- Alterations of conduct in relation to the game, even when there are adverse consequences.
- If the adolescent or adult shows excessive restlessness, arriving to show symptoms of excessive nervousness or high sadness when it has not played a period of time of completion.
- Impairment in academic performance.
- Deterioration in the relationship with their classmates and teachers, either in the school or institute, in the university or in the workplace.

Why do you continue with online bets?

1. Because it is very difficult to realize that what happens is a problem. You like it, it gives you some money, it relieves you, it rewards you. This is at the beginning, then you are already inside the spiral and you do not realize it.

2. Because you justify and deceive, Without wanting to lie to you but you do it, to explain that your gambling habit is a way to entertain you, to pay for your career, to invest or what you want to argue. So much argument is already an indication that you are hooked.

3. Because you confuse a vice with an addictive problem. Forget about judgments and condemnations, the important thing is to get out of that trap. It's not that you do something wrong, it's that you have a psychological problem or an illness.

4. Because guilt, shame or fear paralyzes you Let your family and friends know. They will be grateful if you decide to ask for help and resolve the situation.

5. Because part of the problem is that addiction deceives you and makes you believe, with magical thinking, that you are able to control the situation.

6. Because when you can not leave it, the need to keep esteem at acceptable levels and reject guilt and shame, deceives you. You deny the problem by stating that what happens is that you do not want to leave it. The reality is that you can not do this, you need help.

Inform us to inform them about the risk of addiction to online gambling

- Know the risks and characteristics of online games and bets.
It promotes a healthy leisure alternative.

- Encourages the establishment of a dynamic communication based on trust and respect. Listen out!

- Preach by example. Keep quality time with your children. If they see that you use your mobile and play regularly, they will see it as an example to follow.

- Search information about Internet filters at home that can prevent the number of visits to related web pages.

- Observe the alarm symptoms, pay attention. Adolescents are "digital natives."

If someone close to you has this problem, listen to him, convey your concern and what you feel for him, without recriminating, with affection full of hope and firmness before the situation. Offer help.

When to ask for help?

If you answer affirmatively to any of these four questions, it is worth going to a professional to help you to discriminate if there is a problem:
1. Do you think you have or have ever had problems with the game?
2. Have you ever felt guilty about playing or what happens when you play?
3.Have you ever tried to stop playing and have not been able to?
4. Have you ever taken money from home to play or to pay debts?

To ask for help
Help groups for the treatment of psychological addictions
Attention and Research of Socioaddictions

Recommended reading:
Carbonell, E.J. and Montiel, I., Online gambling in digital natives, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, 2013

María Martín Vivar Y Daniel Rama Victor. Psychologists Consult Dr. Carlos Chiclana

Video: Jordan Peterson - How to Solve addiction simply

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