The value of Mathematics in other areas of knowledge

There are many subjects that a student must learn throughout his life and all of them with great importance. Not only to get a good grade and pass a course approved, all this knowledge will bring you skills that you can use in your day to day. From the good use of language and writing, to the realization of operations Maths with which to contribute to the maintenance of the domestic economy.

In fact, some people think that Maths They are very important because their learning may have applications in other areas of knowledge. This is the position assumed by the Conference of Deans of Mathematics, CDM, and the Spanish Committee of Mathematics, CEMat, which after signing the Declaration of La Laguna, ask that the true value of this subject be recognized.

Strategic value for science

During the signing of the Laguna Declaration, both organisms They have put on the table the importance that Mathematics can have knowledge. Both the CDM, and the CEMat, explain that if this subject is given the value it deserves, its strategic value can make Spain rise to positions worldwide in scientific reputation.

Both organizations suggest that thanks to mathematics, current challenges in science, technology and innovation can be addressed. Elements that do improve, would define a better development for Spanish society. This position is based on the ability integrator that mathematicians have demonstrated in any scientific-productive environment where they have operated.

Mathematical training at all levels

Both CDM and CEMat point out that one of the steps that must be taken to achieve this objective is to take care of the education of this subject. Therefore, in the field of training, the care of this science is raised at all levels of the education system. teaching. These are the proposed measures to achieve it:

- Caring for the mathematics education of future generations, not only of future mathematicians, but of students at all levels of the educational system, since everyone needs mathematics, either in their daily lives as members of a hyperinformed society, be it for his future professional activity

- To obtain a solid mathematical formation of the non-university teaching staff, improving the methods of teaching and learning and their pedagogical competences. A series of guidelines should be established on the training and selection of teaching staff, based on adequate preparation programs.

- Encourage the training of doctors in mathematics. In this way, the research figures would improve and equate Spanish universities with the most prestigious universities in the world.

- Enhance the mathematical talent of young people in the non-university phase.

Damián Montero

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