Stuttering, ideas to make communication fluid

Normally, the listener does not know how to act when talking to a person who stutters. This uncertainty leads the listener to evade the look, interrupt, suggest words, or avoid talking to people who show this disorder. That is why, on the occasion of the International Day of Knowledge of Stuttering, it is necessary to remember some tips to improve communication.

5 tips to improve communication

People who stutter want to be treated like others. They are aware that they speak differently and that they have greater difficulty in expressing themselves naturally and without interruptions. Therefore, when talking with a person who stutters you have to take into account a series of tips:

1. Give it time. The most important thing to get better communication is to allow the other person to express what they have to say in the time they need to do so and listen to them. A communication in a hurry will contribute to create a situation of distrust in which the person who stutters will end up opting for silence.

2. Do not complete it. Most of the time when there is a conversation with people who stutter, there is a tendency to complete the sentences. This symptom, in addition to being synonymous with lack of patience, may be the main reason for standing up to mistrust and insecurity in the other person. For this reason, it is better not to complete the prayers since sometimes it is only possible that the other person feels the need to hurry.

3. Avoid suggestions. Sometimes, suggesting that the other person go more slowly, take a deep breath or relax to make her feel more comfortable, can have the opposite effect. This type of advice can suggest that stuttering is something easy to master that would be achieved if the interlocutor managed to relax.

Obviously, always keep in mind that the different character of the people will influence how they face the situation. This will make some people feel comfortable talking about their stuttering while others will prefer to avoid any reference to it.

4. Ask them. Showing interest in the other person is always a good way to establish the basis of good communication. That is why, in those cases in which it is not known which is the best way to act before a person who stutters, it is best to simply ask what they need, what they prefer, how they want communication to be dealt with and what facilities can be given to them. interlocutor to make it more effective.

5. Avoid condescension. Condescension can make the other person think that they are treated differently just because they stutter. Therefore, it is important to convey interest in what you say and not how you say it. It will be an effective way to reduce the tension of the situation and facilitate effective communication to the interlocutors.

Patricia Núñez de Arenas

Video: How Do People Develop a Stutter?

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