Tips for playing as a family during this vacation

Christmas holidays arrived. A period of rest to recover strength before returning to classes. At the same time it means a reunion of parents with the youngest of the house after months of work and school. While other responsibilities should not be neglected, these dates can be used to spend quality family time.

A good idea to take advantage of this time as a family is the game. A very fun option for these dates. However, the stress and haste of these dates mean that many households do not find time for these purposes. But there is no reason to give up these moments at home.

Take advantage of every second of the holidays

Purchases and other commitments suggest that it is impossible to enjoy the game in family. But the organization and planning can make this time between everyone real during these special dates:

- Plan the agenda. It is true that vacations invite you to forget schedules and schedules. But managing time and meeting predictions will allow us to reserve hours of the day to spend with children.

- Seize every moment. Any daily activity can become a game. For example, the preparation of the Christmas dinner can serve to make everyone imagine being the chefs of a restaurant and turn the obligation into something fun.

- Focus on the children. When playing game, this activity is the most important thing. Except in case of extreme urgency it is necessary to focus energies and attention at this time.

- The importance of special days. Christmas morning, the day of Kings or New Year. Special moments for the child that can be used to release gifts, walk around the city, etc.

- Not stay at home. After months of work they may invite you to stay at home resting on the sofa. But you have to be encouraged and go out with the children to enjoy outside the 4 walls. Overcoming this drowsiness is vital.

- Plans for rain. At this time of year it is possible that bad weather makes an appearance preventing the enjoyment outside the home. Board games, an improvised theater, prepare a recipe. You have to have plans for these moments.

Benefits of family play

Whether on vacation or the rest of the year, the game is an activity that should not be dispensed with. There are few Benefits who report these practices:

- Fosters self-esteem. With the shared game, parents and children interact in a unique way, something that gives them security.

- Foster positive situations of attachment and security, what facilitates the exchange of experiences and provides peace of mind

- Stimulate social and emotional skills. The family is the first environment where the child develops an image of himself and the world in which he lives. These interactions that occur in the family game improve social relationships and help explore these skills.

- Encourages emotional control. With these games children learn to influence others and also to regulate and control their emotions. They also begin to recognize affective signals and interpret the emotions of others.

- Encourages creativity and school success. The environment that is created with the game makes it possible for the child to relate creatively with the world. Your imagination favors and your ability to reason.

- Play as a family helps improve social competence.

- It favors the child's attention. The interaction with their parents in the game increases the concentration capacity of the child.

- Power children's activity. Sharing playtime with children makes passive experiences active and enjoyable and eliminates the negative feelings associated with the former.

- Promotes child happiness. In fact, it is shown that parents who are quite involved in the play of their children are much more likely to raise happy children.

Damián Montero

Video: Tips for traveling with kids! + San Diego vacation breakdown

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