Types of depression: what sadness is there in me?

The depression It is a tragic reality that spreads like an epidemic in modern times. There are different types of depression and it is always considered a serious illness. At present, it is the most common and most painful cause of mental suffering that people can suffer.

People with depression live a constant nightmare, pain is intense, apathy and lack of hope aggravate the situation. It is very important to have the help of specialists in depression. It is essential to be aware of depression and know its causes. We will distinguish between two types of depression, endogenous depression and exogenous depression, which differ by their origin.

Depression and the distorted vision of reality

Clinical depression is a serious illness, a mood disorder that affects both physically and mentally. Depression is the most frequent cause of mental suffering and causes changes in our way of thinking and feeling.

The person suffering from depression has a distorted vision of reality, and can make the person isolated from others, interfere in their social interactions, harms their academic and work performance. It can also cause sleep disorders, changes in diet, and lack of motivation and interest in certain activities.

Endogenous and exogenous depression

When we talk about depression we can talk about two major types of depression: endogenous depression and exogenous depression, whose biggest difference is the cause that causes them.

1. Endogenous depression is internal depression. This type of depression is caused by biological causes. It is a genetic predisposition, inherited, to depression. It is a depression that can occur without an apparent cause, it appears without there being any critical event or difficult situation that causes depression.

The endogenous depression, has to do with the chemical balance of the brain, with a greater tendency to the segregation of serotonin without external cause that justifies it. It is a type of severe and recurrent depression. People suffering from endogenous depression usually have relapses throughout their lives. The most common symptoms are: sadness, guilt, suicidal ideation, suicidal behavior, very low mood in general.

In this type of depression it is very important to go to a specialist who can apply the relevant treatment, in addition to understanding the characteristics of the disease and seek the support of friends and family.

2. Exogenous depression is a type of external depression. The exogenous depression is produced by an external reason. This type of depression occurs in people who are not usually predisposed to depression, but who are affected by this disease due to an external event or traumatic situation.

Exogenous depression is caused by difficult situations such as a breakup of a partner, death of a loved one, loss of work, etc. Exogenous depression is usually temporary and little by little, as the person accepts the situation, it is usually overcome.

The difference between the two major types of depression is the underlying cause. In any case, depression is a serious illness, which can cause a lot of suffering and requires specialized attention from professionals in the field.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz. Clinical health psychologist. Specialist in pedagogy and child and youth psychology. Director of Educa and Learn. Author of the collection Stimulate Reading and Writing Processes.

It may interest you:

- Sadness, what to do when we are sad?

- How to raise the mood

- Sadness or dysthymia: how to identify chronic sadness

- Guidelines for caring for a family member with depression

Video: 5 Types of Depressive Disorders

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