Exercises that favor children's writing

The involvement of families is relevant to offer the stimuli that favor the necessary development for the Writing learning an effective form. Know the factors that intervene and the habits that the they favor writing, it will help us to know the games and activities of daily life that stimulate the necessary skills to learn to write.

Between two and four years, children use both hands indiscriminately in their daily activities. Then, between four and seven years, they let their dominant side be seen, using it, preferably, in the different activities, until they consolidate their laterality around seven or eight years.

5 exercises that favor children's writing

These exercises to teach children to write by hand, which many are considered activities and games of daily life, can greatly help children to develop the fine motor skills necessary to learn to write correctly, acquire a good spelling, have a good letter and use the pencil or pen in the most correct way without over tightening.

1. Trim with scissors or tear paperl, whether strips or drawn figures, straight, curved or wavy lines. This favors the coordination of the hand with the eye and the training of the digital clamp. It also requires very precise movements similar to those of writing. At first they will be thick strokes that will be fine-tuned as you gain in precision.

2. Making paper balls, wringing a sponge or modeling plasticine favors the strengthening of muscle groups and the independence of the fingers

3. Thread beads, put different sized balls in a bottle, screw and unscrew or screw, they will train the handling of the digital clamp necessary to hold the pencil.

4. Press a vaporizer, Pressing buttons or using the drill holes to drill leaves will help to acquire strength in the index finger that regulates the pressure of the pencil on the paper and the precision in the writing.

5. Fasten buttons, tie and untie laces or comb, they favor manual and eye coordination with the hand. The same happens if we offer the child the possibility of helping us in the preparation of food that will also favor the pressure of the hands. It is a way to integrate training into daily routine.

We must not forget that writing is not only a manual skill, it is also an intellectual and creative skill, which we must stimulate together with psychomotor skills.

Storytelling games encourage the development of creativity. Invent a story as a family, narrate the holidays, describe what happens on a slide, talk about a story or movie you have seen * Help develop and experience their expressive abilities.

When you have started to write letters and words, we can invite the child to prepare the shopping list, write notices, play to leave messages, you can have a notebook to write down your things ... It is about the child becoming aware that Writing is a communicative tool.

Cristina Palacios Hernando. Pedagogue

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