Acute laryngitis, the cough that should worry

Health problems in children are issues that take away parents' sleep. Seeing a child have a bad time because of a condition is never a tasteful dish. Sometimes these problems are temporary and leave just as quickly as they have arrived. In others they deserve double attention by the parents, as is the case with the laryngitis water.

The acute laryngitis is a respiratory disease that inflames the larynx of children, the area of ​​the throat in which the vocal chords. It is usually produced by the influence of a virus, so it has high chances of infection. In addition, the violence of their symptoms and how badly the child is doing makes this condition something that requires the attention of adults.

Symptoms of laryngitis

The laryngitis is manifested through a dry and strong cough very similar to the barking of a dog. This symptom is usually related to a hoarseness and even aphonia given the inflammation that occurs in the vocal cords. There may also be a hoarse sound that accompanies the air intake of the child caused by the problems of the larynx.

If the larynx becomes too inflamed, it is also possible that the child has many problems when taking air. This may mean that the minor feels He drowned and anxiety about not being able to breathe. Other symptoms that can accompany laryngitis are mucus in the nose and the presence of fever derived from the virus.

If any of these symptoms are detected, you will need to see a doctor to help the child, especially if problems are detected at the time of treatment. take a breath. The pediatrician will determine the best treatment to solve these problems and try to help the child breathe better and avoid the choking and anxiety derived from laryngitis.

Treatment at home

In addition to the treatment marked by the pediatrician, which can vary according to each case of laryngitis, at home you can help the child with some of these practices:

- Many children breathe better if they breathe moist air.

- Avoid dry environments produced by radiators and heating at high temperatures.

- Humidifiers and vaporizers help these children a lot.

- If you do not have a humidifier, open the faucets of the hot water in the bathroom so that this room is filled with steam and sit with the child out of the shower for 20 minutes.

- Breathing cold air can also improve symptoms because it has the ability to reduce inflammation of the tissue lining the airways.

- In case of reduced appetite, do not force to eat if the child does not feel like it. Of course, we must watch because it takes plenty of fluids

- Do not use water and alcohol collars. They are not effective and can also irritate the skin.

Damián Montero

Video: Laryngitis - a patient education video

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