10 simple ideas to create the mother-child bond

Our treasure was born! After nine months inside the mother, it is the key moment: to hear him cry, to see him look, to embrace his little body and to feel that he is finally here with you. It is at this moment when it is most important to create the link mother-daughter

The maternal filial bond

"During his first year the child is not aware of having a autonomous body and differentiated from that of the mother ", they explain from the blog 'Child psychology for all', where they assure that this situation" is highly positive for both of them "since it allows to create a link unique and special: the one that unites the mother with the son.

This bond of affection teaches the baby the first model to follow to establish interpersonal relationships, fosters a sense of security and self-esteem. Therefore, experts say that creating a good bond with the baby is important for future social relationships. But, How do we create it? There are some ideas.

10 ways to create the mother-child bond

1.- Breastfeeding. Yes, in addition to the many and many physical and psychological benefits of breastfeeding for both the baby and the mother, we must add that breastfeeding fosters maternal filial bonding. When your baby is eating from your chest your heart beats and you feel yours; he learns your body odor and the benefits of 'skin with skin' are set in motion.

2.- Look the baby in the eyes. It is true that the baby does not see clearly when he is newborn, but it is positive that you look into his eyes for long periods of time so that, at the moment when his 'begin to work', see yours. This will help you to know, even without knowing, who you are.

3.- The mobiles, better away. Okay, yes, the phone is a great communication tool that has 'saved' us on many occasions when we need to call someone or receive a call. There is no doubt about it. However, there are times when it is better for you to be far away * and one of them is when you are with your little one. Enjoy it and leave the messages for later.

4.- Mirror. In the North American magazine 'Parents' they give some advice to create the bond between the mother and the son and one of them is to look at the mirror together. Although babies do not yet understand the concept of 'reflex', it does not matter: they begin to distinguish faces and always see themselves together with their family. A learning that remains recorded.

5.- Listen to your heart. The heartbeat, can there be something more beautiful? Pause a moment in silence, hit your baby to you and feel muntuamente how your heart beats. It's better than music.

6.- Dads who love each other. Be affectionate among yourselves. Babies notice from the moment they are conceived if they are in a family that they love and show it to them. Do not miss the little opportunities to be romantic, even if the baby gives you a lot of work! You will appreciate it.

7.- Skin with footl. After carrying the baby inside the belly for nine months, both the mother and the child can miss that connection. Putting your baby on your chest is a way to remember and teach the newborn to regulate his breathing and heartbeat.

8.- Respond to your cries. Especially in the first three months of life, the baby needs to know that you are there for him. Stand up and remember it. Take it when you cry and teach it, little by little, to calm down.

9.- Have a schedule. The schedules are essential in the life of the babies, and they are it from which they are born. They do not know when it's time to eat and when it's time to sleep, and it's something you should teach them. This will also help you to anticipate your needs: when you teach a routine, in addition to having an orderly life, you can know that at a certain time the little one sleeps, so you will prepare for it.

10.- Talk with your baby. Another essential point is to talk with the baby. Moms spend a lot of time alone when the parents' permission is over and there is no problem in chatting with the newborn. In addition to comfort for you, he will learn what your voice is.

Damián Montero

It may interest you

- Parenting with attachment: the 8 keys to natural aging

- The benefits of 'skin with skin'

- Breastfeeding is worth it

- The bond of attachment with your baby


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