Week 17. Pregnancy week by week

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Physical and psychological changes of pregnant women

We are in the seventeenth week of pregnancy. You've been pregnant for more than four months and you're losing almost all of your figure.

1. Surely you have already lost your waist.

2. Your uterus measured around 4-5 centimeters.

3. Limb cramps now begin by the pressure of the nerves through the uterus.

4. You start to retain liquids slowly.

5. Breast size increases more (more than at the beginning). The glands that produce milk grow and there is more blood flow to the chest.

The development of the baby during week 17

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In the seventeenth week of pregnancy it is necessary to continue taking into account the recommendations of the previous weeks. First of all it is important to be calm.

1. Because of your breast enlargement, It is advisable that you buy more comfortable bras, without rings and cotton.

2. Try to exercise lightly. You still have five months of pregnancy left and you have to bear more weight.

3. Iron is very important at this time. You should eat more legumes, meats and nuts.

4. Maybe constipation is still a problem. It is advisable to drink eight glasses of water daily and eat foods rich in fiber.

Control of pregnancy in week 17 of pregnancy

During week seventeen of pregnancy there is no important test to perform. The only relevant thing that could be done in this stage is in the case that, the chromosomal screening has given a high risk that the fetus could suffer chromosomal alterations. Then a test called amniocentesis would be done. It is based on the extraction of amniotic fluid and subsequent analysis. Detects infections such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, parvovirus ...

Pregnancy calendar week to week

Click on each petal or circle to see the content of your week or trimester of pregnancy respectively.

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