How to correct the clueless child

Children are curious by nature, discover the world around them and it is normal to be more distracted. You talk to him and he seems to have his mind in the clouds, he loses his toys, he forgets his backpack ... Your son is always in his world. What can you do to make be less clueless? Certain situations worry parents, but there are strategies that can help them to be more attentive and focused.

In order to educate and help children who exhibit distracting behaviors, we must find out the causes of their confusion. The most frequent of them all is the creativity. The most clueless children usually present an overwhelming imagination with which they build fantastic worlds, almost always more interesting than the real world. Clueless children tend to do well in class, but they get bored easily, and sometimes they take time to finish their tasks or perform them half-heartedly, because they are daydreaming. They usually concentrate on what is interesting or novel and they need constant stimuli to learn and focus their attention.

Guidelines for correcting the clueless child

- Limit the messages. It will close in a band if you bury it under an avalanche of questions. Wait until I tell you how the day has gone and if you do not loose pledge, create moments that favor confidences.

- Look him in the eyes. Establish the communication with the look and then make the request you need. If you have to tell him something important, approach him, touch his shoulder and look him in the face. If you establish eye contact with him he is more likely to listen to you.

- Plan your tasks.Explain in detail the activity you want him to do and have him repeat the explanation. It is convenient first to give an order and then once you have finished with it, request another task.

- Give affirmative orders. Tell him what he should do instead of what you do not want him to do. And use short affirmations, never questions. It is better to say: "Pick up your room", instead of "do not be messy" or "why do not you pick up your room?".

- Interview your world. Try to know your dreams and fantasies, ask him what his drawings mean, help him with his inventions * You will avoid that he encloses himself.

- It favors his sociability. It is probably enough for you to have a friend or to stay at home. Try to play with other children and play sports, take them often to the park and invite their classmates home.

-Remove your mind. Encourage activities that require concentration, such as cards or puzzles. It is also good to help you with some chores of the house, such as the kitchen.

- Congratulate him often. Cólmale of compliments if you finish the homework or obey the first. And do not punish him for being all day in the clouds. After all, he is a little genius.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: "Poor, Clueless Child..." - Miraculous Ladybug Comic Dub

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