How to recognize the addiction to video games according to the WHO?

Since 2018 the World Health OrganizationWHO will declare the disorder caused by the addiction to video game as a new mental illness. However, as expressed by this body, it is necessary to differentiate between habitual use, abusive employment and addiction. How to recognize if a child shows symptoms of this dependence?

On this has also spoken the WHO in one of his publications where he talks about addiction to video game as mental illness. Some symptoms that should alert parents and work to reduce the exposure of their children to this form of electronic entertainment.

Symptoms of video game addiction

The video game disorder is defined in the draft of the 11th Revision of the Classification International Disease, as a behavioral pattern characterized by limited control over games, giving increasing priority to this leisure over other activities. That is, the person makes games prevail over other interests and daily practices, even knowing their negative consequences.

To diagnose the video game disorder, the behavior pattern it must be sufficiently severe and persistent in time to produce a significant deterioration in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other areas and has usually shown signs of dependence quite evident for at least 12 months.

From this definition, the following can be extracted symptom of the action disorder to the videojuegos:

- Lack of control over the game. The person is not able to control their behavior with the video game and can not put limits on the time they invest in these activities or the times they do during the day or week.

- Total priority over videogames. Video games happen to be above other vital interests and day-to-day routines such as housework or sports practices.

- Ignore the negative consequences. The person, even knowing the repercussions or consequences that may have on his life, will continue playing.

Treatment of video game addiction

As with all other technologies, addiction to video games requires treatment in the individual. From the International University of Valencia, a treatment based on 4 phases to be able to solve this dependency in the individuals that require attention:

- Phase 1: search for motivation.
The person affected by the addiction must be aware that he has a problem and that he needs to solve it. At that time will decide to seek help and go to a doctor to analyze the case. When the addicted person takes this step, the support of his partner, friends and family is essential.

- Phase 2: detoxification
In this phase you need all the support of your relatives and in some cases help from specialists so that the person is aware of the addiction that he suffers and sees the consequences that his behavior is causing in his life and in his environment.

- Phase 3: Detoxification
Leaving addiction to the internet or mobile requires willpower and patience, as well as support. Little by little, the child will recover his habitual life and learn to control his use of technology.

- Phase 4: rehabilitation.
During this phase the individual recovers the skills he had before starting his addiction. That is to say, he will begin to relate in a healthy and natural way to his environment, to share time with his family, to have healthy habits and to respect his sleep hours.

Damián Montero

Video: WHO recognizing video game addiction as a mental health disorder

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