10 rules to prevent back pain in schoolchildren

Scientific studies carried out in different countries show that different aspects of school life, such as the practice of sports, the weight of school equipment, the method with which it is loaded and the duration of its transport or the furniture available to students are, among others, factors that influence the back pain of schoolchildren.

In Spain, at age 15, more than 50% of children and almost 70% of girls have already suffered Back pain sometime in your life. And suffering from it in childhood increases the risk of suffering chronically as an adult.

Sport to prevent back pain

The most important measure to prevent back pain in the future is the practice of physical exercise in childhood. "In fact - emphasizes the doctor Francisco M. Kovacs- physical activity is indispensable and necessary for the spine Acquire your definitive form. In addition, physical exercise periodically reduces the risk of suffering from back pain and increases the likelihood that, if pain appears, it is of short duration and has less influence on daily activity and quality of life.

However, the practice of sport at a competitive level It can increase the risk that the pain appears and becomes chronic. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to strictly follow the guidelines of the coach and, when indicated, perform compensatory exercises. It is also advisable to always warm up before starting the activity and stretch the muscles when finished. But sport can only cause problems when it is carried out at a competitive level, in a context in which winning is more important than performing a healthy activity, and if the training is inadequate and repeated with great intensity. Therefore, this risk only affects a minority of athletes, and does not have to become an excuse to not play sports.

Avoid the excessive weight of the school backpack

Likewise, the transport of excessive weight in school bags and backpacks is also another factor associated with back pain, especially when transportation takes a long time. In fact, international studies show that back pain is less frequent among schoolchildren who have lockers in their schools, by allowing them to carry less weight and less frequently; also among those who are in better physical condition, because a greater and more trained muscles reduces the negative influence of the excessive weight of the backpack. That emphasizes again the importance of physical exercise.

At present, it is estimated that approximately one third of schoolchildren transport a load of more than 10% of their weight, which is the limit recommended by experts for adults.

Finally, it is worth noting the importance of adequate school furniture. "The chairs and desks must be height adjustable so that they adjust to the size of schoolchildren, to allow them to comply with the rules of postural hygiene, such as sitting as far back as possible in the chair with a straight back and elbows supported It is clear that not all children grow at the same pace and yet, in most classrooms the school furniture is identical and unadaptable, which forces them to adopt inappropriate postures, "says Dr. Kovacs.

The 10 rules for a healthy and strong back

These recommendations will help children to avoid back pain, and to have a healthy back, although we can also apply them to adults:

- Stay active and exercise regularly: Swimming, running or cycling will put you in good physical shape. Gym exercises can also make the muscles of your back powerful, resistant and flexible. Any exercise is better than none.

- It is advisable to warm up the muscles before exercising, and stretch them when finished.

- Prevents the child from sitting all day. Otherwise, you will lose strength in the back muscles and increase the risk of pain.

- Teach her to sit well:
- As far back as possible in the chair and keeping the backrest straight.
- Keeping the back relatively straight and the arms or elbows supported.
- Changing positions frequently and trying to get up every 30-45 minutes.

- Correct your posture when studying, you should sit as explained in the previous point and, if you are going to be a long time, use a lectern.

- When using the computer, place the screen in front of your eyes and at the height of your head.

- Make it easy for your child to transport the school supplies correctly:
- Using a transport with wheels and adjustable height.
- If not, use a backpack with wide straps and pass through both shoulders.
- Prevents the child from carrying more than 10% of their own weight.

- Consult the doctor, if your back hurts and the problem persists.

Marina Berrio

Video: 10 PERIOD LIFE HACKS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL! What to do when you get your period at school?!

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