Post-holiday breaks, how to prevent them

Summer is one of the most romantic times of the year. The beautiful sunsets, walks on the beach, free time to enjoy together, etc. There are many factors that give this period a special magic. However, once it is concluded, this time increases the separations. According to the numbers of Statistics National Institute, INE, at the end of the holidays there is a greater number of couples who decide to separate.

Either by the hard return to the routine, which translates into greater stress that is paid with the partner, or by the end of the summer dream. Many couples They face hard crises when they finish their vacations. Therefore, we must know how to take care of the love that unites the other person and know how to overcome this gap to achieve full happiness together, while avoiding children suffering from this situation.

Test for the couple

Since Psychology Amaya Terrón It is explained that summer is much more than a magic time for the couple. It is also a test for your ability to resolve conflicts. These months are usually the longest holiday periods and that means continuous contact with the other person, which can sometimes lead to problems that are dragged throughout the year.

Some couples base their lives on a routine quite strict and closed created around working hours, the children's school, marked leisure, childcare, etc. Apparently there were no reasons to argue. The problem appears when small disagreements accumulate and appear when these schemes break in summer.

Although a priori summer is a time to share free time, the independence that couples maintain during the year is seen engaged by spending more time together. To this we must add the cases of those couples who after finishing their vacations, return to their reality by increasing their stress and paying with the other person, making small conflicts, big problems.

Increase empathy

This center explains that one of the causes that explain this situation is the lack of understanding and the absence of empathy between couples. Many people do not know how to resolve conflicts and are not able to put themselves in the place of the other to understand it and reach a common agreement. Instead they prefer to lock themselves in their position and not change in order to improve.

Without losing the independence of each person, we must remember that you live with another person to whom you are united by an emotional bond and for whom you feel a lot of love. Together with her, a common life project has been created and we must take care of this future, in addition to the created. To know how to temper and not to shake the built, not to think of the 'I', but in the 'everyone'.

We must remember that the stability of the couple has a price that goes through caring for the other, maintaining the commitment assumed and devote time to the other person. Although usually the moments in common are good, we must also bear in mind that bad times will come for those who will have to sit down and talk, not argue. Here are some tips for this:

- Talk and communicate feelings. It is important to talk to the other person when something has bothered us, explain what has caused these emotions in us and understand their motives.

- To think that although now we are not in a position to recognize it, in the past we thought that person deserved to be loved. Remember the strong love that unites us to the couple.

- It may be that at the moment of this situation only qualities we do not like about our partner are seen, but that does not mean that that person is bad in all its essence. In fact, if we calm down we will remember all the good things that it has

- Assume the error as something human, understandable with time and always forgivable. Both in the other person, and when we have been the ones who have made a mistake.

Damián Montero

Video: The #1 Cure for Your Broken Heart - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy

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