Single parents are more likely to suffer from mental illness

A study of University of Toronto has shown that in homes where only one male parent with children is present, there is an increased risk for the parent to become mentally ill and other types of mishaps.

The data does not lie

To reach this conclusion, the University of Toronto reviewed the data 1,058 parents singles who had answered the various health surveys conducted in Canada between 2001 and 2013. Throughout all these years the data given by these parents differed from those of men who had a partner in something fundamental: their physical and mental condition was worse.

One in five single parents had one chronic disease and one in ten had developed a mental disorder or was a victim of anxiety. Worse still were the data that confirmed that these men were more likely to end up falling into alcohol addiction and their diet was much worse than in the cases of traditional families, repeating the cases of overweight and obesity.

Many tasks for one person

The researchers explain that these problems derive from the excessive workload that single parents have. While in life as a couple, tasks are divided between two, in this type of household, only one person takes charge of them. This explains the anxiety, since so much responsibility for a single individual ends up making him an easier victim of stress.

On the other hand, the dedication to so many responsibilities makes parents forget their own health. That is why your feeding it goes into the background reducing the number of foods that nutritionists recommend in this regard. Similarly, anxiety is able to make appear some conditions related to stress.

Also danger for children

Not only single parents have a greater risk to your health. Children also face many dangers in this type of homes, as reflected in the report "Tell me who you live with and I will tell you what your home is like." Radiography of the homes of Spanish families. According to this work, those houses where only one parent and their children were present had more domestic accidents.

Mainly this was due to the lack of vigilance, that is, while in the family nucleus with father and mother the presence of two adults makes it easier to detect risky situations, in those homes where there was only one it was more complicated to monitor.

Damián Montero


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