Prevention, the best medicine against the cold

Lachrymose eyes, snot and a general malaise. These are some of the symptoms of cold, that sometimes is able to deprive us of the sense of smell and leave us in bed with a high fever. And worst of all, there is no medicine to cure it, or can it be? It can not be bought in pharmacies, but it is available to everyone.

The best way to fight against cold It is prevention. Acting to prevent this virus is a task that should be assumed by the whole family since once this undesirable guest crosses the front door of our house, it is difficult not to "greet" all the members of the household.

Ways to prevent the cold

These are some of the ways to prevent colds at home. Small activities that will not take more than a couple of minutes and that will serve to keep the cold from bothering you every day:

1. Wash your hands often. Viruses and bacteria do not have legs and can not ask for a taxi. But they know how to move in other transports. For example the hands, area of ​​the body that can come into contact with areas where the infection is present. Maintaining regular hygiene on this limb will help the cold go away each time you use your hands as a transport.

2.  Take care of the dream. Ensuring sleep the necessary hours and a good quality of sleep is another tool that helps prevent the cold. Postponing bedtime or doing activities that alter the level of rest will cause the immune system to suffer, leaving the door ajar to the cold.

3.  Take care of the diet. We are what we eat, and if you do not feed us well, our immune system will not be good. Eating a balanced diet will help prevent the appearance of colds and other very annoying viruses that make us stay in bed and not enjoy the day to day.

4.  Avoid stress. Again the way in which the immune system is treated has much to say in the prevention of the cold. Stress has very negative influences on the body's defenses, so staying calm will help prevent colds.

5.  Ventilate the house. Briefly every morning make sure your house "breathes". Open the windows, make your home ventilate and run the air by expelling any possible virus that is present. A closed space is the preferred breeding ground for colds.

6.  Open up and make sure they wrap up. The low temperatures also contribute to the lowering of the immune system. Against the cold it is best to get warm, especially in the mornings. That the arrival of the cold never catch you with the defense low.

And if he finally gets sick

Despite all the cares it is possible that the cold finally ends up arriving. In these cases there are also several tips that will help to pass this period correctly and prevent it from spreading beyond those who are sick:

1.  Go to the doctor. In principle, these processes are not important, but if the fever or congestion last more than three days, or your hearing bothers you, we should consult the pediatrician. Only the doctor can determine the need for a medication for the baby, and it will be he who determines the quantity and periodicity of this one.

2.  Make normal life. A child with a cold should follow his normal life, walks, bath, etc., unless he has a fever or infection. Even in winter, the child should have his daily walk. The best hours are the last in the morning and the first in the afternoon in winter, and the first in the morning and the last in the afternoon in the summer.

3.  Use a humidifier. It is possible that, if the colds are very constant, the pediatrician advises to use a humidifier in the room, or administer drops for the nose, but we will only use them under prescription, and after having cleaned the child's nostrils.To do this, we will have You tilt your head back and keep it a minute like this after putting the drops.

4.  Avoid overcoating. At home we should not shelter him too much, so that his body learns to regulate the temperature. The home temperature should be around 20-22 ° C, and we should also avoid currents.

5.  Eliminate transmission routes. Without becoming obsessed, we must try to eliminate possible routes of infection for the baby. For example, if a mom or dad is the one who gets cold, try to wash your hands to play with the child or prepare your food and avoid coughing over or giving him a taste of his soup.

6. Use traditional methods They help are the warm bath and give it liquid often. In addition, we can resort to some techniques such as the dropper to pour the syrup directly into the throat and prevent spitting. It also has good results to do it on the side of the mouth and squeeze the cheeks of the child. Immediately, we will put the pacifier.

Damián Montero

It may interest you:

- Reducing the use of antibiotics increases the defenses

- 4 ways to avoid antibiotic resistance

- How to cure baby colds

- Seven errors around the flu and the cold

Video: How to Kick a Cold Fast

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