Healthy Christmas: the AEP advice for children

Neophobia in children is accentuated at Christmas. It's the fear of trying new foods, so sometimes you have to prepare alternatives to seafood and main menus. But that does not mean that we keep on Christmas, as recommended by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics AEP healthy life habits. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is very important and Christmas is a good time for children to discover new flavors.

New foods and easy digestions at Christmas

For one Healthy Christmas, among the AEP councils for children We found the recommendation to introduce new foods little by little if we make them part of the elderly meals. The coordinator of the Nutrition Committee of the AEP, Dr. José Manuel Moreno, says that "the variety of products gives children the opportunity to expand their palate, always taking into account the recommended ages to start taking each food."

What usually happens to the elderly? That we exceed eating and then we have very heavy digestions. It is convenient to get used to not eating too much and to educate the little ones in this behavior. Moderation is very important when eating at Christmas. In addition, this can make the task of making them taste different foods easier. Our children will not want to know anything about a huge plate of red cabbage, but maybe if we put it as a garnish to accompany a piece of lamb, try it and taste it.

The AEP initiative to eat better at Christmas

To make the idea of ​​trying new foods and make them overcome neophobia more attractive, the AEP has launched a nutrition campaign. Their motto is "Join the supersana troop, discover your powers" and, through it, the association recommends maintaining certain healthy lifestyle habits, such as maintaining sleep schedules and napping of children to maintain their hours of rest. From the website of the Supersana Troop you can already consult the tips on # Food, # Exercise and # Prevention designed for these to be a healthy and safe Christmas for all family members.

Do sport together at Christmas

In Thisfamilywelove we have given you the keys to how to avoid getting fat at Christmas and how to make digestion easier. Dr. Moreno adds to our advice the recommendation to do a lot of exercise. In addition, now that, as a rule, we have more free days in a row than usual, we can take advantage of sports to do with the family. That those who come are days of rest does not mean that with our habits we will favor a sedentary lifestyle. It is true that it is cold, but to fight it, it is enough to get going. What things can we do with ours?

- Go out and see the Christmas lights

- A walk through the countryside

- Take a bicycle tour

Exercise toys at Christmas

It should be remembered, as the coordinator of physical activity of the AEP, Dr. Gerardo Rodríguez, "that a good way to instill in our children the importance of exercise in their health is to give them toys that encourage them to practice it". Although many times these are not precisely what they include in their letter to the Magi, we can educate them to do so. Some ideas of toys that encourage physical activity are:

- The balls

- The bicycles

- Skates

- Do not forget the protections: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads ... Surely you find them dressed with their favorite characters.

As sports are usually practiced outdoors, which is also much healthier and recommended, you have to know how to keep warm. For all these things, exercise, nutrition and prevention are the keys to a healthy Christmas. Do not wait any longer and visit the web, you will see that it is full of nice drawings that you can teach your children so they can see that taking care of themselves is fun and that with the older ones it is more cool. That way they will dare to try new things and in the end it will come out of themselves wanting to go for a walk in your company.

Elisa García

Video: How To Get Offended - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 52

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