Tips to be the perfect guest

Have you ever wondered if you correspond well to the invitations you receive? Be the perfect guest It is another facet of our social relationships that can raise our cache in the easiest way. The success of our company lies, like so many aspects of our life, in thinking a bit about others, in this case, the host, in assessing their affection and effort, and corresponding accordingly.

How to be the perfect guest in 5 steps

1. The perfect guest is always willing

People willing to go or support any initiative are very nice and charming. Among the main tips to be the perfect guest highlights our gratitude just receive the invitation and the enormous desire we have to go. In principle, an invitation is never declined unless the invitation is not recommended.

- If the invitation is by telephone the reflex response should always be something similar to "phenomenal", "great", "divinely *"; that is, immediately show a clear gratitude. When you begin to doubt or resort to the old "I ask Maripili and I tell you", "Uff, that day I have it very much", "But who else is going?" ... is painful and you see the duster right away .

- When the invitation is via email, it is best to answer immediately, because if not all of us know that mail will be lost in the night of time.

- When the invitee is a child and sends a card, the logical thing is that you call the mother right away, mostly because of organizational issues.

- Whenever the invitation is accepted, it is necessary to go. It is not good not to go, not to warn and, attentive, or send the message of non-attendance through other assistants for fear of retaliation from the host.

2. The perfect guest is always punctual

Excuses to arrive late we have them all; It does not matter that you have 10 children, you are not exempt - normally the trick is to get up an hour before nap. There can always be about 10 minutes of courtesy, no more. If there is a previous religious ceremony, and if there are no excuses of any kind, here we would have to arrive 10 minutes in advance.

- Arriving late is a form of selfishness, to think about yourself and lack of delicacy with the host who, however, greatly appreciates the punctuality of the audience, especially when it is an untimely hour.

- Punctuality to leave is also important, especially at dinners and more if the host has small children. Eye, because a furtive look at the clock or a contained yawn can mean perfectly: "My God, but are not they ever going to go?"

3. The perfect guest knows how to dress correctly for the occasion

There are no fixed nor general rules, but the logical thing is not only that you avoid "the trapillo", but that you adjust in consonance with the importance of the event.

- If it's a meal you can go "by day", but with the most apparent that you have in the closet.

- Religious ceremonies demand something more than etiquette. Ah! And they always with a tie, even if they protest.

- The most appropriate clothes for a dinner or a party:

- Banish your clothes tomorrow. Especially prohibited are the white shirts without grace, the matt prints and the jerseys with balls.
- The dark colors They are the most appropriate for the night.
- Black is the star color, but always showing something of skin.
- Bright colors they also fit if the fabric is something festive, like satin.
- Avoid punt at all costsor - unless it's silk or shiny or something lurex.
- Heel, Of course.
- They: We already know that they are more anarchic, but try to convince him to at least wear a shirt, belt and trousers, keys of masculine elegance.

4. The perfect guest always has a detail

- Children always have to give on birthdaysAlthough you insist on stopping the prevailing consumerism, it is not the moment. You have to give when you have to give, at no other time.
- If you are invited to a house, take a detail to the hostessFor example: flowers, wine, chocolates or homemade truffles are good gifts. If you have another detail for the children you will be great.

5. The perfect guest is always grateful

Maybe it will cost you to call by phone, but an SMS or an email, the next day, praising the excellence of the event costs very little.

Marina Echánove. Stylist and writer. Author of the book Your style. The keys to elegance, femininity and distinction from Editorial Palabra

You may also like:

- Parents: keys to masculine elegance

- 25 good manners to go to a friend's house

- Learn good manners and standards of education

- How to dress at home


Video: 15 Ways To Create the Perfect Guest Bedroom - MissLizHeart

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