Tips to encourage family communication

As the children grow, they begin to receive a lot of new information that must be "checked" in its opening to the outside. Creating the necessary climate of trust in the family so that children can ask and talk freely at home is essential. The change that occurs between seven and twelve years is huge and it is at this stage where parents must lay the foundations of family communication.

In addition, you need to know how to give your friends reason for some of their parents' demands or their own decisions: about the time of use of new technologies, regarding the sobriety of expenses, why not go to certain plans or if He does not watch a television series. The questions can not be "programmed", and although we always answer in the moment, it is convenient to look for a later moment to treat it again with greater tranquility.

On the contrary, in certain subjects, if the question does not arise from the child, we must provoke the parents in order to anticipate situations that, if this conversation does not occur, will occur in the short term. Thus, for example, there is a chasm between a child explaining the origin of human life to his father or mother, to find out through a conversation with schoolmates or through a youth magazine.

Tips to encourage family communication

1. Encourages opportunities for family dialogue, for example, dine without a television and without a mobile phone.

2. A good plan for weekends are family outings, that allow us to talk about the topics that do not give us time in day to day.

3. Make sure that the brothers do not "eat" the time of intervention the most timid or the slowest at the time of intervening in family gatherings.

4. Spend an exclusive time, from time to time, alone with each child. In a relaxed environment it is easier for us to transmit their concerns.

5. Give importance to your things, to his fights with friends or the first grain that comes out at age twelve and that makes him feel horrible. We never laugh at them, because we will be cutting off communication with our son.

6. An ideal time to chat for a while is just before falling asleep, when he is already in his bed and feels relaxed. We can sit down next to him and let him tell us something that happened that day or that worries him.

7. Who does not remember Sunday mornings in their parents' bedroom? If you go to wake up and get into your bed to protect yourself from the cold, you may be encouraged to make some confidence. Do not let the moment pass.

8. Take advantage of the opportune moments. Another time can be when one of the spouses travels for work and the children quickly take turns sleeping with dad or mom. That night maybe we can park our book on the bedside table and dedicate ourselves to talking with our son.

9. Take advantage of your birthday or his saint to get him out of school at the time of the meal. It will make you feel important in front of your colleagues and will be more receptive to the suggestions you make in that special moment.

Maria Lucea
Adviser: José Manuel Mañú Noain. Psychologist

It may interest you:

- The 10 worst sentences that parents can say to their children

- The best social network in the world, the family

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Video: The secret to motivating your child | Jennifer Nacif | TEDxSanDiego

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