For a walk with the baby

Go out to walk with the baby It is a very beneficial routine. These small moments will allow you not only to know everything that surrounds you but to expand your horizons and develop physically, psychically and affectively. Unless it rains hard, is very windy or the temperature is extremely low or high, going out for a walk with the baby is a habit that we should not give up on a daily basis.

Leaving home is an activity that brings great benefits to most children. And it is that, when making contact with other realities different from those of his own home, not only benefits him psychologically but also enriches him in the affective field: during those moments, and for his own satisfaction, he will be the exclusive center of attention of your dad or mom. To make it more comfortable for you, it is best to go with lightweight buggies.

Senses activated during the walk with the baby

In addition, the open air, although our walk is developed with the baby cart in the middle of the city, will help you to develop and strengthen physically.

Since they are born, the senses of children are like an authentic antenna that captures everything. Its mission is to create associations and develop their own concepts. Your mind is a factory of ideas that does not stop working. That is why it is so important to offer our children continuous innovations that stimulate them visually and acoustically.

On the other hand, the same rattle and movement of your stroller or stroller will not only awaken your interest in the objects that surround you but will force you to exercise your small muscles.

Be careful with the wind during the ride with the baby!

So that the winter or summer temperatures do not turn the daily walk into a danger for the baby's health, try to choose the most appropriate time to go out with the child. In winter, choose the time of noon (the temperature is higher), while in summer try to advance the exit to the early hours of the morning or late afternoon.
In any case, try to prolong it, at least between 20 and 30 minutes.

To avoid cooling, try to calibrate the child's coat well. Also avoid staying still on the coldest days or under the sun in the hottest.
As a rule, try to keep the baby's head always in the shade, so you can help some accessories of the strollers, such as parasols.

Walk with the baby, sitting at different heights

Whenever possible, try to remove your chair or stroller from the hood. In this way, the baby will have a greater field of vision. In this sense, it is advisable that the stroller has a certain height above all if we want to prevent the child from sucking fumes from the exhaust pipes of cars.

In the chair bag, carry all the equipment you may need during this short space of time. The water, some cookies, emergency diapers ... could be really useful at any given time.

But the most important part of the daily walk is the opportunity that this moment gives us to explain to the baby everything that interests him. Every time you go out with him you can talk to him and explain every novelty, noise or object that catches your attention.

Thus, the movement of the leaves, the wind and its strength, the colors of the objects, the distances (here-there) ... will become the best friends of this routine that will allow us to acquire in a short time our little thousand of new concepts

Tips for the walk with the baby

- Prepare the child's bag with care and attention. The pacifier, the wet wipes, tissues, a diaper and your bottle of water will be essential elements in each of our escapades.

- During the winter try not to stand, or rest too long along the way, because the child could catch cold.

- Alternate the road every day or the places you go during walks. In this way, our little one will be able to discover different and new things every day.

- Take the opportunity to stimulate the baby. Either through games or real children's songs or invented by us, so will be used to make associations and develop each of their capabilities.

Teresa Pereda

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