Baby's paperwork

All parents know that children do not come with bread under their arms, but with a series of tasks and responsibilities. The first ones are to formalize and legalize their situation as soon as they are born as people living in a society: to register them in the Civil Registry, in the Social Security, to request their health card, to register them in the municipality where they are going to reside ...

At times when life has been turned upside down with the arrival of the newborn, it is not necessary to have prepared the list of necessary procedures and their documentation. Thus, all the baby's paperwork will be easier for the family in that first week with the newborn come home.

Paperwork and paperwork after the arrival of the newborn baby

1. Registration in the Civil Registry of the baby
Until October 2015, any person in the Civil Registry of the address of the parents or in the locality where the birth occurred can request the registration of the newborn. In the latter case, both parents must show proof of the common address and certificate of the hospital certifying that enrollment has not been requested. The most important part of this process is its term: it must be done from 24 hours to eight days after birth. If there is a justified cause up to 30 days later.

Necessary documentation:
- Marriage: medical part of the delivery, a form that facilitates the hospital where the child was born; ID of the parents and Family Book (or document that proves that the marriage is legalized).
- Unmarried couples: will have to go to the Civil Registry the father and the mother personally providing: medical part of the birth, ID of the father and mother and marital status of the mother (if you had a previous marriage must provide the final judgment of separation or divorce; he has separated, in fact he will have to go to the Registry with two witnesses).

2. Registration in the Social Security of the newborn baby
It is one of the most urgent procedures, because as soon as the child is enrolled in the Social Security will be assigned a pediatrician who can control it as soon as possible. You must go to the nearest offices of the Social Security Institute (INSS). You need: the certificate of registration in the Civil Registry or Family Book, Social Security card of the father who will make the baby beneficiary and form P1 for inclusion of beneficiaries (can be downloaded from the internet or picked up at the offices of the Social Security).

3. Obtaining the health card
Once the registration of the child in the Institute of Social Security (INSS), you must go to the health center that corresponds to the family to assign a pediatrician to the child and to process your health card. We must have at hand: the documents that have been given to us in the Social Security, the certificate of registration of the baby, original and photocopy of the ID card and health card of the parent to whom the baby has been associated.

4. Registration
To register the newborn in the municipal register where he will normally live is done by trade. The Civil Registry communicates this to the town hall by registering the baby in the domicile in which both parents or one of their parents are registered, giving preference in the latter case to the domicile in which the mother is registered. But many times the parents go ahead and prefer to be themselves who register the child in the town hall. For this they need the certificate of the Civil Registry or Family Book and the original DNI and photocopy of the person who is going to register it.

5. Application for maternity and paternity leave
Working mothers are entitled to a maternity leave of 16 weeks that are remunerated with 100% of their salary and the father to 15 days also paid with one hundred percent of their salary. Both benefits are requested at the Social Security offices and require a series of personal documents from the parents and the company for which they work. Always ask for the original and a photocopy to compile, or a photocopy already certified.

Necessary documentation:
In both cases you need: DNI, company certificate informing of the worker's situation, the date of start of maternity or paternity leave and other contribution data and proof of payment of contributions for the last two months (in the case of workers forced to the entrance of the quotas).

- In particular, for maternity leave you need: the maternity report issued by the doctor who has attended the pregnant woman (it is an original and three copies) and the Family Book or certificate of the child's registration in the Civil Registry. If the mother gives part of her permission to the father, she must complete a form.
- Paternity leave will also be provided the Family Book or certificate of the registration of the child in the Civil Registry.

Keep in mind that there are special situations that require specific documentation.For example, officials who are not included in the Social Security, large families, disability, single-parent family, self-employed ... They need to provide documentation to prove these situations or other types of certificates.
More information:

6. State aid of 100 euros to working mothers
The Ministry of Finance provides an aid of 100 euros per month per child to working mothers with children under 3 years of age. This help can be requested by phone or internet at the Tax Agency. It is only necessary to work and be registered in the Social Security. More information:

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: Lil Baby Responds To Rumors Of Him Snitching To Get Out Of Jail Soon.

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