10 tips to avoid bad digestion

Burning, abdominal swelling and heaviness are the main symptoms of bad digestion or dyspepsia. According to Dr. Gonzalo Guerra Flecha, digestive specialist and founder of the Medical-Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases (CMED), "a large part of the blame for bad digestions they are because we do not eat properly and, normally, we do it in excess. "

10 tips to avoid bad digestions

1. Eat slowly and chew well. "We must bear in mind that as the speed at which we eat increases, the stomach multiplies the time it takes to digest it," warns Dr. Guerra Flecha. In addition, eating slowly will not only prevent gas from being produced, we will also need to eat less food, another key to good digestion. "The feeling of satiety takes about 20 minutes to appear," says the expert, so if we eat quickly is likely to come to feel it too late, when we are already embarrassed. If we have little time, it is better to eat a single dish, but with tranquility.

2. The plate, small and divided into thirds. A perfect way to know if we are eating well and helping our body to make a good digestion is the following: the plates should be occupied in one of their halves by vegetables, preferably cooked, and in the other half and equal parts by good quality protein (fish or lean meats) and a complex carbohydrate, better if it is potato or rice. In addition, small plates help us eat less and better: "It is more beneficial to eat a little many times a day than a lot at one time," recalls Dr. Guerra Flecha.

3. The less fat, the better. "Strongly fatty foods are the most harmful at the time of digestion, not to mention their negative impact on our health, so experts always recommend minimizing their consumption and, as far as possible, choosing others in its place, "advises the founder of CMED. Prioritize lean meats (turkey, chicken and rabbit) and combine it with steamed garnishes can be an interesting alternative to the usual steak and chips.

4. The fruit, between hours. We are used to finishing the meal with a dessert and many times we choose a piece of fruit, but experts advise avoiding dessert and taking fruit at mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

5. Ginger is the star. An excellent remedy to relieve digestion: "add two slices of this rhizome, one orange and one lemon in a cup and crush very well with a spoon, pouring hot water and add a teaspoon of honey, an infusion perfect to take after eating, "says Dr. Guerra Flecha. The reason? Honey is a prebiotic that comes very well to our intestinal flora and the infusion is a liver depurator that favors digestion and is antioxidant, in addition to anti-cholesterol.

6. The fiber that does not miss. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals will provide a high content of dietary fiber throughout the day that helps regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation.

7. Beware of these foods. "Stimulants such as coffee or alcohol, carbonated beverages, and spicy spices cause more dyspepsia," says the expert, who also discourages "absolutely" drinking alcohol before eating. If we do, the ingested drink is heated in the stomach and the absorption is immediate, which can cause us to reach intoxication before alcohol. A note, you should not mix alcohols. If you start your meal with red wine, you end up with red wine. And no tobacco, in addition to all its damages, also worsens digestions and produces gases.

8. A little daily exercise, help. Combat stress, reduce cholesterol and help stimulate the intestines are some of the benefits that daily practice of exercise contributes to our goal of having a good digestion. "And if we replace the nap with a pleasant and quiet walk of 20 minutes after meals, we will also help our metabolism to burn fat and improve intestinal transit," explains the founder of CMED.

9. Say yes to yogurts. And kefir. These probiotics are excellent regulators of intestinal transit, reduce the sensation of swelling and their intake helps to prevent and reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal infectious diseases. "In addition, during and after treatment with antibiotics, prevent the onset of diarrhea associated with the use of medications," says the CMED expert.

10. And always drink water. And we do not mean to do it during meals, but to drink the two or three liters needed throughout the day. "This beneficial practice for our health also helps us to have good digestions and purify our body," concludes Dr. Guerra Flecha.

Dr. Gonzalo Guerra Arrow. Digestive specialist and founder of the Medical-Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases (CMED)

Video: Worst Foods for Digestion | Top 10 Foods Cause Guts Problem

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