Teach children optimism and joy

Some children, despite their premature age, have lost the most beautiful thing that childhood and youth have: joy. Perhaps the conditions of the environment have helped this to happen, but you have to turn on the alarms before the boredom and the long faces of some of them, despite having everything to be happy.

Teaching children optimism and joy is possible. Happiness is a learning like any other. Since to a great extent, happiness depends on one's attitude and willingness to achieve it and not as it is usually thought that happiness is subject to external factors. Hence the call to educate children in positive and happy environments, taking into account that they are like sponges that absorb the emotional climate that surrounds them.

The family as a school of happiness

The family is the space par excellence where values ​​are cultivated and personality is forged, being determinant for human development. It is in this context that people learn what life is like and with it attitudes towards it, optimism being the best way.

"The children absorb as sponges the emotional climate that can be expressed in the home.If we show them by example that we feed the positive emotions, as they develop, they will grow stronger and stop being prone to experiencing negative emotions, and they will be generators of positive and optimistic emotional climates ". María Laura Cortés, Argentine psychologist and coach, ensures in her columns.

Experts say that lto teaching joy part of the values ​​such as forgiveness, solidarity, trust, building empathic relationships and love. They also highlight the importance of transmitting to children the value of dreams and the ability to take advantage of difficult situations.

5 tips to teach optimism to children

1.   Manage pessimistic attitudes. Analyze the situations in which pesism appears and make an objective assessment of the situation.

2. Reinforce your effort. It is good to praise and motivate him when something goes well, especially when he has put a lot of effort into it. It is important that you feel the taste of a small victory, that makes you feel proud.

3. Pay more attention to your optimistic moments. It's a way for him to see that he gets more attention from his parents when he has an optimistic vision.

4.   Highlight its qualities. You will be able to nurture your self-confidence, you will feel more secure and they will also learn to value your own personal qualities.

5.    Teach him acceptance. Learning to love and accept ourselves as we are from childhood is very important. We must know our limitations and try to be a little better every day, but avoid falling into unnecessary frustrations.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

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