The family is the key to preventing risks in adolescence according to WHO

The adolescence It involves the change from child to adult, a great change both physically and mentally. Added to this is an emotional instability and a strong social pressure to adapt to certain canons and that are fulfilled in the fear of being excluded from the group. This supposes the exposure to some risks that can suppose the fall in upheavals like the depression or the accomplishment of dangerous activities like the consumption of alcohol.

In view of this situation, the World Health Organization, WHO, indicates a series of keys to prevent these risks. A guide to ensure that this important stage in the development of people is fulfilled this step to adult life correctly and without falling into any of the dangers that threaten the Teen.

Pressures in adolescence

As explained by the WHO, many adolescents experience various problems of adaptation and mental health. This can lead to the adoption of behavior patterns such as consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or the assumption of risky sexual practices. These attitudes can have serious consequences in the young man's future.

To prevent these situations are realized prevention campaignsHowever, as they explain from OMS, adolescents are not adults. Although their capacity for reasoning is greater than that of children, it is not so high as to understand all the risks derived from these behaviors. Young people do not show a long-term thinking and seeing the absence of immediate consequences, they continue with these behaviors.

This disability can make you vulnerable to the assumption of these high-risk behaviors. In these ages there also appears a feeling of rebellion to the norms imposed by their parents, for this reason they believe they are fighting against the "oppression of their parents" through these behaviors that have been forbidden.

Family and prevention

At this point, WHO recalls the fundamental role of the family in the prevention of all the risks of adolescence. While the uncertainty caused by this stage full of changes, or the appearance of rebellious feeling, is inevitable, the support of your closest relatives can prevent more than one problem.

The family can position itself as a model of help and from which to learn good behaviors. At this point parents have a responsibility to promote the development and adaptation of adolescents and to intervene effectively when problems arise. For this, nothing better than to show as your support and the shoulder on which to rest when problems appear:

- Talk about the feelings of teenagers, be interested in their day to day, especially when they seem sad.

- Do not underestimate your problems. Some parents believe that the things of adolescence are unimportant things, a mistake that can lead to a distancing between father and son.

- Talk about the long-term effects of dangerous behaviors such as the consumption of alcohol or tobacco that over time can lead to the appearance of an irremediable problem.

- Lead by example. How can a teen be told not to drink when parents show up as regular consumers of alcohol? Ensuring your own behaviors is the first step.

Damián Montero

Video: What Teenagers Want You to Know | Roy Petitfils | TEDxVermilionStreet

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