Low salt diet, is it always recommended?

Myths about food there are many. The society is flooded with rumors related to nutrition and they tell people what they should and should not eat. One of the best known is the diet low in Salt, which supposedly has benefits for the heart and prevents fluid retention.

However, each person has their own metabolism and what works for one person can be harmful for another. In the case of the low diet in Salt It is possible that in some people it is not advisable. This is explained by the Boston University School of Medicine, which indicates that sometimes a menu that dispenses with this ingredient may be contraindicated.

No remarkable advantage

To check the effect of the room on the diet of people, the researchers of this university followed closely the cases of several people who limited the consumption of this ingredient. These data were put in common with those of other individuals who did include it usually in their dishes.

According to Dr. Lynn More, head of this study, no significant differences were found between people who had a low-salt diet and those who did. In fact, the researchers found that as the former increased intakes of this mineral, his health improved slightly.

Those responsible for this investigation affirm that the sodium It is a necessary mineral for people as well as other elements such as magnesium or potassium. However, it is advisable not to abuse salt since in these cases it is possible to encounter serious health problems such as hardening of the arteries, which leads to a deficit circulation.

You do not have to go through

Although a low salt diet is not always recommended, it must be borne in mind that the abuse of this product can lead to problems. This is remembered by the American Heart Association, an organization that recommends moderate consumption that does not exceed 2.3 milligrams of sodium up to date.

These are the possible consequences of a diet in which salt is abused:

- Increase the risk of heart attack. An excess of sodium supposes adverse effects on the heart and worsens its functioning, favoring diseases such as heart attacks or heart failure.

- The functioning of the kidneys gets worse. The excess of salt causes the function of the kidneys to be altered making the formation of kidney stones more possible.

- Fluid retention. It always manifests as an inflammation of the soft tissues. The retention of liquids occurs when there is an imbalance between the elements that regulate the passage of it. One factor that can cause it is the intake of more salt.

- More probability of gastric diseases. Excessive consumption of salt is also related to some gastric disorders such as the stimulation of the action of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori.

- Increased risk of stroke or stroke. Excess salt makes it more possible to suffer brain hemorrhages such as embolisms.

Damián Montero

Video: Salt Shakedown — How to Avoid Hidden Sodium at the Grocery Store

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