Psychomotor development in children, how to make sure that everything is going well?

One of the concerns of every parent is that their child develops properly. However, sometimes you do not know if you have to worry about something or if everything goes well. How to warn a complication in the growth of children? What can an adult check to see if there is a complication?

One of the aspects that should concern parents the most is the correct development psychomotor In the kids. To know if everything works correctly or if you have to go to a specialist to seek help, there are certain aspects that must be taken into account in each of the stages of growth of a child.

Psychomotor development in children: skills appropriate to age

It is understood by development psychomotor the acquisition of skills and that corresponds to the maturation of the nervous structures in the brain, marrow, nerves and muscles, etc., as well as to the learning that the baby, and later, later, a child, makes discovering himself and the world It surrounds you.

This psychomotor development begins since the child is a embryo and begins to form its nervous system. This process goes on throughout childhood and part of adulthood. To know if everything is going well, parents should assess if their child has acquired the psychomotor skills of each age.

How to know if psychomotor development is correct

Those parents who have older children can compare both situations. If you are new, you can consult a pediatrician or a specialist to find out how to detect problems. These are some points in which the parents can be fixed in each of the ages:

2 first months:

- Are you getting a stable head support?

- Suck and swallow well?

- Do you play and kick legiously and harmoniously?

- Is it excessively soft or rigid?

4- 5 months:

- Do you start to take your hands voluntarily to the objects that call your attention to catch them?

- Do you use both hands indiscriminately or, on the contrary, show particular preference for one of them?

7 months:

- Do you keep sitting without support for 1 minute?

- Is he able to go around in bed?

10 months:

- Do you stand up, even with slight help, doing little jumps, without excessive leg rigidity, without crossing your legs, without supporting your toes exclusively?

- Is he able to take an object between his thumb and forefinger, in the shape of a pincer, or does he do it with the whole hand?

- Do you use both hands equally?

14 months:

- Are you able to walk alone?
- Do you drag the tip of a foot when taking the step?

18-20 months:

- Do you know how to use the spoon and the glass?

- Do you play with objects "as if they were real"?

30-36 months:

- Way to run.

Damián Montero

Video: Early Recognition Of Child Development Problems / Educational Video

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