Paternity leave, another of the pending issues in conciliation

There is still a long way to go until we achieve the long-awaited conciliation. As much as this four-syllable word is said so fast, it's hard to make it real. Allowing parents to combine work and caring for a baby is something that few adults can afford. On the part of women there have been important advances, although they still seem insufficient, but in the case of man there is still much to be done.

This is remembered in the studio Los parental permission as instruments for gender equality, carried out by the Autonomous University of Madrid. In this paper we have exposed the virtues of improving the flexibility of the schedules in the case of men and the protection of their job once a child arrives in their life.

Paid Permits

This study shows that since the paternity leave, three out of four parents have enjoyed at least two weeks taking care of their children. However, it is necessary to differentiate between the time granted by companies and that is remunerated, and the time in which money has to be sacrificed (leave of absence and reductions in working hours).

According to the data of the study, in the case of women the level of exceedances is 10 times higher than in men. It is relevant that it is the man who assumes the responsibility of maintaining a salary during the first years of life of the baby and the woman who sacrifices the most at the work level.

This trend is due to the fact that in the case of man the fear of losing the job to use these leave is greater. Only the permits that the Law recognizes parents are used. The fear of being left behind in a possible promotion process also means that parents do not use this time to care for their children.

A necessary change

For this reason the father should be more protected by Law. A more radical approach is needed so that parents can stay alone and take care of their children. This will contribute to the baby also having someone in charge when his partner has exhausted his permission and has rejoined the work. Those responsible for this research explain that it is proven that this alteration would also be an important step in gender equality.

These experts also explain that we are currently attending a Change of trend that is seen in the whole world and in which more and more the father is involved in the process of upbringing. But there are issues that the Law still does not value, such as cases in which a self-employed person is a parent. This type of workers is often more punished in their jobs because they can not afford to miss a working day because it would mean losses.

The researchers point out that this also means that those parents who can not spend this time with their child end up having a lesser bond with their children. Something that is very important for their personal development and that would make women also easier to care for their children.

Damián Montero

Video: Webinar: How to Represent Yourself in Family Court

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