Enoclofobia, when the crowds scare

Spending time on the street is a very pleasant activity. See stores, go to the movies, go to a bar in the company of friends or family. All these activities serve to leave the four walls and distract the mind. However, sometimes people can see themselves overwhelmed when walking through areas such as shopping centers or streets with a large number of pedestrians.

It is the presence of so many people that ends up overwhelming these individuals. It is the case of those who have enophophobia, the fear that some have to the crowds and the agglomerations. A situation that can cause changes in the rhythm of life of those who suffer from these terrors.

What is enoclofobia

The enoclofobia is the fear They have many people in crowded places and in those who believe they can suffer numerous accidents such as being trampled by pedestrians, contracting a deadly disease, or in the case of children getting lost and never being found by their parents. The levels of this phobia are several and can go from a simple distress to more serious situations.

Those with high levels of enoclofobia suffer anxiety attacks at the idea of ​​walking in a crowd. Chest pain, tachycardia, nausea or dizziness are some of the symptoms in which this is translated fear and that make these individuals prefer to stay in their homes to step on the street, avoiding places where they can meet many people.

In the case of children, enoclofobia can be presented as a fear of going to school because in these centers they will meet many people. A situation that can affect your academic performance as the feeling of anguish What causes this fear in them can end up making them sick. To avoid that the smallest ones are affected by these terrors, it will be necessary to go to a specialist so that he dictates a treatment.

Origin and treatment

Like all phobias, talking about a specific and unique origin is very difficult. The specialists point out as usual the genetic component and shyness. Those people with more difficulty to relate can end up generating enoclofobia by preferring the false comfort of home to go out and interact with these people.

If it is observed that the child has problems when going out or feels anxiety when going to shopping centers, it is important to go to the doctor. It will be he who judges if it is necessary to refer him to a specialist so that he judges whether there is a case of enoclofobia or not.

The treatment is usually gradual, and depending on the gravity some drugs can be prescribed to control anxiety. From home, you can help in the following way:

- Take the child to parks where there are not too many people. That little by little he feels comfortable among small groups. Little by little you can try to go to areas with more people.

- Before entering areas that may overwhelm the child, such as school, the child should be taught to perform diaphragmatic breathing and other relaxation techniques.

- Help you feel more relaxed when going out, such as relaxing music in the car before going to the mall or give a playback device to hear these melodies.

- Maintain visits to a specialist who delves into the origins of this fear and tackles enucleophobia at the root.

Damián Montero

Video: Las 13 fobias mas comunes

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