Enjoy all the benefits of quitting tobacco

Smoking is the leading cause of mortality in developed countries and yet, approximately, 33% of the world population is a habitual consumer of tobacco. Quitting smoking is beneficial for short and long-term health, and also at any age, regardless of how much has been smoked or for how long because its harmful effects are reversible.

To achieve the goal of quitting smoking it is important to know that tobacco does not contribute anything to our lives, just the opposite. It supposes an important economic expense and does not get anything other than to deteriorate our health and our physical aspect. In addition, quitting smoking is perfectly possible with the treatments and products currently available such as chewing gum, patches, mouth sprays or nicotine tablets.

It really is something very comforting to know that your health improves from the moment you quit smoking and the benefits are immediate and increase in the long term.

How long will it take you to notice the benefits of quitting?

Next, we give you an estimate of time in which you will begin to notice the benefits of quitting tobacco. Cheer up some of them are almost immediate!

At 20 minutes. The blood pressure and pulse return to their normal level.
At 8 o'clock. The levels of carbon monoxide and oxygen are normalized.
At 24 hours. It decreases the risk of a heart attack.
At 48 hours. Improves smell and taste.
At 3 weeks. Improves blood circulation and increases respiratory function by 30 percent.
At 9 months Cough disappears, fatigue and respiratory difficulties.
Year. The possibility of developing diseases of the circulatory system and the risk of respiratory disease and cancer begins to diminish.
At 5 years old. The risk of developing heart disease is the same as in a non-smoker. The precancerous cells have been replaced.
At the age of 11. The chances of suffering periodontal diseases is the same as that of a non-smoker.
At 15 years old. The risk of having a heart attack equals that of a non-smoker.

Do you know how much you would save if you quit smoking?

Another important benefit for your pocket is the economic savings you would get if you quit smoking. In Spain, the average number of cigarettes a smoker consumes daily is 13.4. To calculate what you would save if you quit smoking, we will take into account an average daily consumption of 15 cigarettes at an average price of 21 cents each. Thus, in just 15 days the savings is almost 50 euros.

And if we continue multiplying, you would save 95 euros per month, in 285 euros in three months, the savings would reach the figure of 1,157 euros, five years 5,782 euros and after 10 years 11,566 euros.

If we compare these figures with other expenses, we can get an idea of ​​what can be done with that money because according to INE data, the average price of a Spanish family's monthly purchase is approximately 333 euros per month, which It is equivalent to 3.5 months without smoking.

Leaves tobacco and rejuvenates inside and out

It is a reality that smoking you fall faster years on and the reason is that the main enemies of the skin are tobacco and solar radiation. However, the harmful effects of tobacco are generally reversible and the skin is the first organ that shows these positive effects shortly after quitting. Because tobacco is the culprit of dryness and wrinkles, a few hours after quitting and you will notice your skin smoother and hydrated.

But also, in your day to day, you will experience a wide range of new sensations. All are advantages:

- You will feel the skin more hydrated and you will stop the appearance of premature wrinkles. In addition, it improves acne and the appearance of pimples.
- The unpleasant smell of all clothes disappears.
- The sense of taste and smell is restored.
- Bad breath and bad taste disappears.
- The teeth and fingers stop yellowing.
- The appearance of the hair improves.
- The respiratory system changes: sore throat is not as frequent, cough disappears, breathing improves and ear and respiratory infections are not as frequent.
- Increase the ability to exercise.
- Periodontal diseases are not so frequent.
- Blood pressure levels decrease.
- You eliminate an ally of cellulite.
- Increase self-esteem.
- Increases sexual desire.
- You will set a good example for your children

Why does smoking seem soothing?

When a smoker is in a stressful situation, what does he do? He leaves for a while to smoke, lights a cigarette, takes a deep puff and exhales the smoke slowly. Chat with other smokers to distract yourself or, if you are alone, order your thoughts.Both actions are good techniques to manage stress, but they and only they are the architects of their own relaxation, although they are attributed to tobacco.

Actually, it is physically impossible for nicotine to relax because it helps to raise blood pressure slightly, narrow the arteries and also speed up the heart rate. These three factors are signs of nervousness and tension, that is, the opposite of relaxation.

But, if you are still convinced that smoking relieves stress, we dismantle the myth. What relieves is the withdrawal syndrome that occurs when you wait for time to smoke. The typical symptoms of the withdrawal syndrome are nervousness, irritation, tension and lack of concentration. With a cigarette these symptoms disappear in a few seconds providing a feeling of calm and relief. So this false relaxation is nothing other than the disappearance of the withdrawal syndrome.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: Are Light Cigarettes A Healthier Option For Smokers?

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