Common mistakes in exercise that can cost you health

Moving is a obligation. You have to get up from the couch and go outside to practice exercise to improve our health. However there are situations in which this physical activity can be detrimental to the person for not performing practices correctly.

Lack of heating, inadequate equipment or lack of routine can pose a health risk when practicing exercise. To prevent these problems we offer you a list of common mistakes that can hurt you if you are not careful when doing a physical activity.

Errors in the practice of exercise

1. Inadequate heating. Any exercise requires a previous warm-up and stretch the muscles well before getting to work. However, many people do not devote the time that this activity deserves. You have to focus on all areas of the body, from the head to the feet.

2. Incorrect equipment. Not all sports equipment serves the same purpose. At the time of going for a walk you have to choose a good shoe and not be satisfied with the common sneakers, especially in the case of children who have their feet in development. Caring for this area of ​​the body with the right equipment will help prevent health problems.

3. Lack of routine. It is true that schedules sometimes do not help to exercise. I work in the elderly and school in the minors so that sometimes they get too tired at home and do not feel like going out to exercise. But you have to have a routine of physical activity because if this lack is possible that the body is faced with a workload that was usual but now can cause harm.

4. Lack of postexercise heating. Finish the exercise and the only thing that is in the mind is rest to recover energy. But this can cost more than one muscle pain. As in the beginning of the activity, you have to stretch again, in this way the body relaxes and the heart rate gets used to the new state.

5. Eat a lot. Finish the exercise and one thinks that everything is done. That is why lunches and dinners become more copious. It is necessary to take care of the same way the feeding and not to exceed with the calories.

Encourage the exercise

As stated at the beginning, practicing exercise is very important. That is why you have to know how to get children involved in these practices. Here are some tips to get the little ones to be encouraged to go out with their parents to have fun while getting fit:

1. No to sedentary lifestyle. Any type of daily activity is better than the sedentary option. Walk, use the bicycle and climb the stairs. Ensures study and learning time. Limit the time in front of the television and other electronic devices.

2. Fun and game. Group, fun and outdoor activities are preferable.
Security. The physical environment must be adequate and without dangers. Pay attention to the safety rules for practicing sports.

3. Adapted to health conditions. Physical activity adapted to each health situation improves globally the health status and evolution of children with chronic disease and disability.

4. Question of habits. The practice of physical exercise should be a healthy habit from childhood. Habits are easily maintained over time and missed when they are missing.

5. Priority activity. Incorporate physical exercise between your child's daily activities. Take advantage of extracurricular activities and invest in your health.

6. Incorporates sports into the family routine. Give example Do physical exercise and plan family activities if you want your
son be active

7. Hydration. It ensures the supply of liquids, especially when the activity is intense and the environment is hot.

8. Helps maintain a varied and balanced diet. Fundamental pillar for health along with physical activity.

9. Improve discipline. The benefits of sport require continuity and maintaining the habit regularly helps children educate their own discipline.

10. Increase strength and energy. Sports practice also develops muscle strength, endurance and contributes to having more energy to perform any activity. All this increases the children's self-esteem and self-confidence.

Damián Montero

Video: Top 5 WORST Ab Exercise Mistakes!

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